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Senin, 16 April 2012

Pilot fired Problem

Less than three months, the largest airline in Indonesia, Lion Air, Indonesia took the aviation world in two different poles. From one end of the pendulum to the other end of the pendulum.

The first pole of happy news in November 2011. The New York Times to write the title, "Boeing Recording Record Sales", associated with a record of the purchase of aircraft by Lion Air. The world wondered, who the hell is buying hundreds of Lion Air Boeing?

We remember well the images on pages of national and foreign media. Watched by U.S. President Barack Obama, with a big smile, Lion Air President Director Rusdi Kirana signed the purchase of 230 Boeing 737-900 ER and Boeing 737 MAX.

In contrast, January-February 2012, the news hit the murky world of Indonesia as the two pilot flight Lion caught taking drugs. This is the polar second moment of bad news from Lion Air airs around the world, such as the Daily Mail quoted by the media and various websites world of aviation.

As usual, Indonesia frenzy by the news repeatedly. People who frequently fly to the poor has never commented on Indonesian airlines flying; although apparently Lion Air plane still crowded with passengers. Pilot who allegedly caught taking drugs to meet the lifestyle demands. Even if it appears the reason for the breakdown of family life, it is suspected because of the negative lifestyle.

This is in contrast with the story of American pilots involved in narcotics cases precisely because of smuggling hundreds of kilograms of narcotics.

With two arrests in the adjacent, now the republic is more than just understanding the pervasive drug problem nearly entered the cockpit.

Of course, the drug also haunt the various professions. Not only pilots, but also a professional private sector workers and intellectuals. Not only pilots, but also motorists on the highway.

The problem is, the craft is an activity of zero tolerance for any mistakes. A pilot who detected high cholesterol, for example, even barred from flying because there is the threat of heart attack. Rarely a similar ban imposed on car drivers.

Well, how in the future? There is no other way, any airline, Lion Air, not only to be firm. Title of the test as soon as possible whatever expensive. There is also possessed narcotics alleged pilot from another airline.

Referring to the Federal Aviation Administration policy, you should test not only for pilots, but also the inspector, cabin crew, ground handling staff, to air traffic. Not only the drug test, but also alcohol.

In Indonesia, the board of directors at each airline pilot has also been confirmed there. Thus, although undoubtedly there is recognition of the pilot that he was taking narcotics, management should be sensitive to this issue. Do not ignore every rumor and hearsay!

If found, immediately fired without mercy. Again, no mercy! Hundreds of lives are at stake. If the plane off course, thousands of people can be killed when the plane crashed in the middle of town. With the negative image of Indonesia pilot, when the opening of the Open Sky policy in Southeast Asia in 2015, of course it would be advantageous to foreign airlines.

Thus, the pilot who took this drug is really serious business. First, the affairs of life. Secondly, about the resilience of the airline business. Without total repair attempts, the passenger growth of 20 percent per year will be annexed to foreign airlines.

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