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Selasa, 17 April 2012

UKM usually Forget the Customer Older

CEO BuzzCo, Sumardy, say, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) often forget to retain old customers as busy in the search for new customers. Whereas the old customers can create a story-mouth for a product of SMEs.

"Many companies are busy looking for new customers, but forget to maintain a loyal customer. In fact the highest revenue from loyal customers. This is one of the problems of SMEs," said Sumardy in the seminar "Entrepreneurial Party in Upper Hand 2012" in Jakarta, Sunday (29/1 / 2012).

In addition, he explained, the cost for new customers to reap even more expensive than maintaining old customers. One-fifth the cost could be cheaper. This is a consideration for SMEs to keep customers loyal. "If consumers have purchased, must be maintained because it can create word of mouth (oral stories) everywhere," added Sumardy.

He believes that word of mouth marketing is a relatively inexpensive way of marketing, even the only option for SMEs that limited advertising funds. The trick is to create an interesting story SME-related products.

He took the example, there is fried rice sellers who market their products in a way to advertise that pregnant women can eat fried rice for free. "Finally, people talking, 'Oh, free pregnant women (eating fried rice seller's),'" he said.

Employers can tell the origin of the product, who is the author, and other interesting stories. After the story was created, the employer can test it to his own family. This is to see whether family members are willing to tell the product to the neighbors. "Whatever is done, create a compelling story to tell," added Sumardy.

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