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Selasa, 17 April 2012

Raup turnover of Eels Super Tens Million

Most of the people of Indonesia are not familiar with the eel. Freshwater animals in the group of fish is shaped like a snake favored because of the meat is tasty. Eels arguably safe to eat by anyone, from children to adults. Eel meat is also believed to increase the vitality of the human body.

Besides in swamps, aquatic animals are found in rice fields or times (river). Because quite a lot of demand, supply is not sufficient to rely on eels from the natural catchment. So, lately a lot of people interested in eel.

One of the many variants of cultured eels from an eel is a kind of super. In contrast to the eel in general, super eel has a size larger. The size of the body circumference of 6.5 cm with a length of about 50 cm.

Herman Susilo, a super eel farmers from Malang, East Java, said, weighs three super eel tail can reach 1 kg. This jumbo-sized eels are sought after restaurant entrepreneur and snacks. "If no cultivation, this super hard to eels, though, the market is more promising," said Herman.

Currently, Herman has five pools of mud eel super place. Each measures approximately 2x5 meter pool. With regular feeding, Herman eels can harvest every three or four months. So in a year can be harvested four times.

When the harvest, each pond can produce 250 kg super eels. Price per kilo around Rp 30,000-Rp 35,000. At that price, he earned a turnover of approximately Rp 40 million to Rp 50 million each harvest. The net profit of about 50 percent of turnover.

Production costs incurred more for breeding. Each one kg of seeds super eels are sold for Rp 40,000. "While feed more natural food, such as frogs and worms," ​​he said.

He avoids giving the pellets because it can inhibit the growth of eels. In addition to ready to sell eel, later he also began serving super eel seed sales.

Other players are Prabowo from Yogyakarta. He cultivates super eels since 2010. Currently, he is the focus of selling seeds super-sized eels 15-20 cm. "Because if the seeds can be directly sold every month, while if it's a big wait up to three months," he said.

Work with farmers, he cultivated fields on the outskirts of this eel. Turnover in a month reached Rp 8 million. Because working with the owner of the fields, the profit earned only 20 percent-30 percent. "So I shared with the owners of the fields," he said.

Eel the more recent super loved. Understandably, in addition to high market demand, this eel is also not difficult. Herman Susilo, super eel farmers from Malang, East Java, said the main thing to note is feeding.

According to him, feed intake will greatly influence the growth of eels. He suggested, should be given more super eel natural food, like snails, frogs, or worms rather than artificial feeding. "Natural food help faster growth," said Herman.

With natural food, super eels can be harvested faster because its growth is also faster. If given artificial feed, the new super eels can be harvested in six to seven months from the beginning maintained. "But the natural food can be harvested every three to four months," he explained.

In addition, the adequacy of the feed must also be considered. Because, if the amount of feed could lead to less cannibalism among eels. To that end, he suggested feeding done twice a day.

For the method of cultivation itself there are two ways. Namely, using the media mud pools and using bamboo traps in rice fields. Herman himself using the media mud pools. The first step would be done to prepare the pond. Pond itself need not be too wide. Enough with the 2x5 meter diameter can hold 50 kilograms (kg) of seed eel. At harvest, seed as much as it can produce 250 kg weight.

Once the pool finished, and enter gedebok bananas and straw. Then enter to accelerate the decomposition of manure and straw gedebok bananas. "When it rot can be a fine addition to eels," he said.

After additional food is ready, then continue with the provision of dried mud. After that, enter the water with a depth of at least 15 centimeters (cm). "The process of decay gedebok bananas and straw occurred about two weeks after the water comes in," he explained. After the decay, then the seeds ready to be inserted.

Another cultivation way is to use traps placed in fields. Prabowo, eel farmers from Yogyakarta to use this way. "Excellence is not the way to the land." he said.

He just needs to work with owners of rice fields. In the fields, he used to plant 20 to 50 traps as the eels spawn. For food, just put a worm in the traps. Prabowo himself only focus on selling seeds eel super size 15 cm-20 cm. "The important feed painstaking note," he said.

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