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Selasa, 17 April 2012

Tasty flesh, Steady earnings

Aka steak grilled meat (steak) is now including the community's favorite meal. Just look at steak shops that never deserted invaded the buyer. Delicious and savory flavors make this dish quickly gained a place.

Not surprisingly, when the steak food business flourishing. Evidently, a restaurant, cafe or restaurant that offers steaks are progressively mushrooming. Though it was crowded with many players, yet the businessman who brought the steak menu continues to grow.

One businessman steak is Ronny Wazier spouses and Early Riza Marini. They run businesses Steak Kiloan since early 2011 in Duren Sawit, East Jakarta. Since late last year, the couple was offered a partnership.

They tried to develop business steaks with the slogan of "sensation delicious steak but efficient". To produce a delicious steak flavor, they rely on international standards of the meat supply Indoguna Meat Shop. "While the local flavors of the ingredients we use," said Riza Early Marini, owner of Steak Kiloan.

About the price, Steak Kiloan membanderol Rp 18,000 for a local steak meat per 100 grams. While the steak meat imports Rp 24,000 per 100 grams. "Prices include potatoes, vegetables and sweet tea. With the price of it, we are targeting the lower middle segment," said a woman who is familiarly called Rini. As a newcomer, Rini optimistic to compete with steak shop that had already entrenched.

Steak Kiloan offer a package of about USD 150 million investment to prospective partners. Partnership is not picking up the offer royalty fee. By paying such a large investment, the partners will acquire equipment kiosks steak and cooperation over the past five years. "This investment does not include the rent," he said.

Rini promising, partners can achieve a turnover of about Rp 2.5 million to Rp 3 million per day. Condition, must sell a strategic location. With a turnover of pocketing it, will partner turnover during the period of six months with a profit of at least 20 percent. "We suggest the location of the selected partners, there should be another steak competitor to prove that it is a strategic location to sell the steak," he said.

Rini claims, now there are 18 potential partners interested in joining. He target, until the end of this year has 20 branches partnership. "Currently we only have one branch, and will add two more, well, the rest belonging to the partner," he explained.

Halim Erwin, franchisees of Proverb Consulting observers say, as a new player, you should multiply the Steak Kiloan own branch first. That way, prospective partners can get the real picture about business prospects this Kiloan Steak. "It takes two or three branches first, if it works please dimitrakan," he said.

Thus, he is also considered, the promised return on investment within six months, the new assumptions. "It has not been proven," he said.

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