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Selasa, 17 April 2012

Ucok and Durian Without Season

Among travelers appears the phrase, you have not been to the field if it does not stop at the Ucok Durian. Ucok none other than the name Durian durian stall in Jalan Iskandar Muda, Medan. Ucok name Durian is so famous that it becomes a sort of mandatory requirement for travelers stopping in the city is nicknamed Parijs van Sumatra.

Durian Ucok shops just a sky-roofed store page. Tables and chairs arranged pickup. But this place is never empty of visitors, especially during Saturday night or Sunday night. Sometimes visitors have to queue for a table and chairs crowded the buyer.

Most of the buyers coming from out of town around Medan. Still, a few buyers who came from Jakarta. They come from diverse social groups, ranging from teachers, politicians, officials, until the artist.

Within a day on weekends, the number of visitors can be 500 to 600 people. On a normal day, only two-thirds of the number of visitors on that weekend. On average a buyer spends money Rp 50,000 to Rp 100,000.

From the sale of the prickly fruit, Ucok had two pickups, a car Grand Vitara, and home store (shop) worth Rp 750 million. As well as a branch of this shop Ucok Durian stall in the street because Iskandar Muda no longer able to accommodate customers. No fewer than 15 employees to help him.

"It's hard work and our prayers," said Ucok (43), when met, mid-December.

Dropping out of school

Ucok are born with the name of Zainal Abidin was the second child of six children. His father, Agus Mali (82), working odd jobs, but more frequently as construction laborers. Agus an erratic income Ucok small force must stop school when he was about to enter junior high.

As the oldest boy, he was encouraged to be independent. Her days are filled with working as a carrier in the market Pringgan which is just 500 meters from his house. Sometimes he's a park interpreter. Ucok earn Rp 2,000 per day. In this market he is often called "Ucok" that famous until now.

Feeling bored with the job, Ucok offer strength to the durian seller along Jalan Iskandar Muda. In the 1980's until the early 1990s, dozens of farmers to sell durian at Jalan Iskandar Muda each durian season arrives. They sat lined up 500 yards on either side of the road with only bare soil.

Ucok also worked transporting durian with wage of Rp 10,000 per day. Juragannya often taken him around the remote villages in North Sumatra to find durian for sale again. From here, begin to memorize the moon Ucok durian season in some areas.

Feel I have a network and experience, in 1995 began selling its own Ucok durian which he took from the middleman to the consignment system. Initially he sold 200 pieces and sold. Then increased to 1000's pieces.

In 1999, after marrying Asni Koto, he again worked over the spirit. He felt the need to buy pickups for his efforts. A colleague to lend capital to loans pickups. Together with other colleagues that he was an old familiar world durian, durian Ucok to hunt alone in Sidikalang villages, one of the centers of durian. "At that time, I was lucky to Rp 100,000. Already big at the time, "he said.

Ucok prevalent buy durian slightly more expensive than other buyers. Durian is Rp 5,000, he bought Rp 5,500 per fruit. He was becoming known among durian farmers across North Sumatra. Typically, farmers call Ucok when new durian trees in bloom. Means, five months Ucok to come buy.

In addition to direct contact with farmers, Ucok establish good relationships with the middlemen in a number of areas, ranging from Sidikalang, Karo, Siantar, Langkat, Padang Sidimpuan, Deli Serdang, Serdang Bedagai, Simalungun, until New Week (Riau). They helped map out the time and place Ucok durian ready to harvest.

March to May is not the durian season. That's when Ucok and farmers rely on middlemen. "From experience, every day there are ripe durian, just look for the place. That's what friends in the villages, "he said.

With this pattern, Ucok shop was never empty durian. Other shops may be closed due to being not durian season. Ucok shops like Durian durian season of the year.

Retain customers

To attract and retain customers, Ucok interesting tips apply: if the fruit does not taste good or not, buyers are welcome to trade. These tips are widely imitated by durian sellers in Medan.

So, what about the fate of durian fruit that had already opened? Ucok has worked with entrepreneurs cake, ice, and snacks made from durian. Durian, durian was distributed to it. Nothing is wasted.

Man of mixed blood and the Batak Mandailing Padang is also understood the difficulties of buyers when they want to bring durian to Jakarta or other cities by planes. Usually they bring in a flat condition with wrapped cardboard. Ucok browse around this by opening the durian and put it in a plastic box.

To fool the aroma of durian, pandan leaves him membubuhinya with coffee and wraps. This method is now widely imitated also more practical because of the durian seller. Anyway, in the hands Ucok durian fruit season does not seem to know. Always available throughout the year.

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