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Senin, 16 April 2012

Enterprises want? Probe-Based Sector Domestic Demand

If you want to do a business, find business fields related to domestic demand. And, do not have to export.

This was stated by economists Strategic Partner Indonesia, A Prasetyantoko, in a discussion on "The Role and Position Indonesia Young Entrepreneurs In Facing Economic Map CHINDONESIA (China, India, and Indonesia) in Jakarta, Wednesday (11/30/2011).

"The World Bank estimates that there are 7 million new middle class every year in Indonesia," said Prasetyantoko. This reflects the chance that domestic demand in Indonesia remarkable.

A number of sales data also he mentioned. For example, the Vespa motor is missing in the 1980s are now reappearing. Overall, the type of motor scooter in Indonesia can be sold for up to 8 million units in 2010. While only 1.7 units in Thailand, India as many as 11.3 million units, and China 16 million units. "And China's population of 2 billion," said he remembers the number of sales could reach half of Indonesia were sold in China. It's not worth if you look at the population of both countries.

It is also common in car sales. Prasetyantoko also mentioned, the trend to increase car sales. In 2010, cars sold reached 750 thousand units. "This year is expected to rise to 850 thousand units," he explained.

"This is an indication that we can see, despite the crisis, domestic demand was incredible," said Prasetyantoko.

He joked as he told how the cafe is full and people still can continue smoking as another indication of how the conditions of high domestic consumption. "(So) look for sectors that have a basis of domestic consumption," said he, for example food and beverage sector.

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