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Jumat, 20 April 2012

Rice Imports Special Do Not Disturb Local Rice

Special permit rice imports by the government to a number of importers should be used in accordance with the provisions. Do not let the import of rice, special rice premium or a certain type of rice that are not produced domestically-made ​​rice farmers at the local level dropped.

Director General of Foreign Trade Ministry of Commerce Deddy Saleh on Wednesday (4/18/2012), in Jakarta, said that, technically specialized rice importation provisions stipulated by the Ministry of Agriculture.

"That set the specific types of rice that can be imported is the Ministry of Agriculture. If the rule would be reorganized, it means we must learn first," he said.

He said the most important thing is not to interfere with the price of rice is rice farmers. Rice is also expected to help to price stability.

Bulog market operations have not been fully able to lower the price of rice. Medium quality rice is thrown Bulog was not responded to the market. "That is, they need a premium quality rice," he explained.

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