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Senin, 16 April 2012

Immediate Execution BI Requested Bank Mega

Elnusa attorney, Dodi S Abdulkadir, asking Bank Indonesia to take immediate action against the Bank Mega with Elnusa's ordered to refund amounting to Rp 111 billion, or issue a permit confiscation of bank assets.

"The court has set the confiscation of assets of the Bank's office in Jalan Mega Captain Tendean. For execution, we wait for BI decision whether to pay immediately ordered Bank Mega Elnusa funds or issuing permits seizure of assets," he said in Jakarta, Monday (04/02/2012).

He hopes that in the first two weeks of April 2012, BI has been carrying out such action.

At the same time the Government Inspectorate officials Coal District, North Sumatra, Suhada, also asked the Bank Mega Bank to withdraw funds to restore the county's deposits of Rp 80 billion, which is also missing.

Furthermore, Dodi said, on March 22, 2012 the South Jakarta District Court in favor of PT Bank Mega Elnusa and ordered the immediate return Elnusa deposit funds worth Rp 111 billion is missing. Mega Bank is also burdened with the obligation to pay interest of 6 percent per year until the decision of magnitude remains.

The judges argued, against customer funds, the banks shall indemnify the customer experience. If the Bank Mega default, the panel of judges chaired by Ari Jiwantara also ordered sequestration Bank headquarters in Jalan Mega Captain Tendean 12-14A, South Jakarta.

Bank Mega related appeals, the appeals court ruling Dodi sure, even the appeal, will not change because of the missing deposits Elnusa not thawed the Elnusa and disbursements were proven false documents. "The efforts of law will not change the original document to be false. Process of appeal only to gain time to implement their obligations," said Dodi.

Dodi also said he immediately sent a letter kepad related BI decision South Jakarta District Court that he believed also been known to BI. "I believe BI will be sensitive and take action to prevent the potential loss of state banks and prevent crime," he said.

Linked the two cases, the BI has previously imposed sanctions on Bank Mega and ordered the bank to establish an escrow account Elnusa worth of funds and the disbursement of Coal District Government with the approval of BI.

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