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Senin, 16 April 2012

Intelligent Packaging Business

Interesting listening to the developers of breakthroughs in several major cities. Property business competition is increasingly tough and daring innovation in the field, the developers try to achieve optimal performance is fantastic.

There is a merge between the location, great design, corporate integrity, and build their own infrastructure. There are building residential complexes, offices, and shopping with an emphasis on green concepts. Of this development, the company received an award and it means the recognition of prestigious institutions and the public. People are expected to be interested and buy the products offered. Other companies playing in tooling Utik price and payment systems, occasionally using a famous architect, strategic location and facilities.

Despite all the big corporate smart fight, there is still the number one. The number one is phenomenal and the element of "lucky" too big. Sketch of new projects undertaken, there has been no sign of construction and sales have not been opened. However, the centers of residential and office hunters have long queue.

A developer said, half of the residential and business center project that he wanted to wake up already "bought". Business people and potential buyers insist on "menitip" money as a "must take" unit that would be sold. Described, two weeks away all of the projects may already be sold out because the line people are adamant about "menitip money would buy" is very long.

This developer does have a high reputation. Project she was doing high-quality infrastructure is okay, and there are areas of flood water storage for free. Working on these projects are generally young potential. Projects of this developer has always been the prey of consumers Jakarta. Consumers are very aware of their rights.

Another interesting side is the formula a few developers who build their own infrastructure, to give up some of their area into a new highway, and open access toll road. They design homes, offices and shopping centers as a result of decades of development experience and study visits to dozens of countries with a history of great architecture. Sale of any behavior. Net asset value per share rose sharply.

This amazing, age-company chief executive officer of the company 26-40 years. In the United States, for example, young children who sit in a chair most of the top management of start-up company. They were graduates of elite schools, has worked abroad as an architect and expert in corporate finance giants. Workhorse in the field. Fresh and smart business pack.

Their career is still very long. Time that would test whether their achievements still okay. In the current highly competitive era, anyone younger children, they always fill the "battery" so as not to miss. They are widely read and see on the field.

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