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Senin, 16 April 2012

The more expensive the more preferred

Ray Syahrudin (39), executive properties in Jakarta, laughed as managing director where he worked in home prices set a $ 2 billion per unit. Location of the house in a village in South Jakarta. According to the president, at that price, the company would have had net profit of Rp 930 million per unit. In it, they will wake up 210 units of upper-middle class home.

The chairman (president of) laughed and said, "Why laugh? Thee do not agree? "The president of expression did not show anger aura. He was a president of a "democratic" and familiar with his subordinates.

Ray, director of real estate marketing company, says it is just the elite. Kok, a nice home off only $ 2 billion. He is concerned, the price of it, not even glimpsed the housing consumer. "Selling only Rp 3.3 billion per unit. However, we added a few ornaments, better interior, garden boy, and a fish pond complete with fish koinya. A total cost of Rp 300 million. The Company will reach an additional $ 1 billion net profit per unit. "Ray explains the strategy for reaching buyers. Supervisor agrees. The execution of such additional direct rushed.

Thus, the soft launching was held housing. There are parties, fireworks, there is a magician show and souvenirs worth $ 1 million. As marketing director, Ray was well aware of consumer tastes and the surrounding Capital. He wants to give the impression that wah for launching housing. Buyers arrive.

Eighteen homes were sold immediately. There is an impression, 90 percent of consumers buy because it is expensive. "I am, anyway, no bullshit, wong is the quality of the product cool, really. Why must sell cheap? The proof, 18 people were directly purchased by making a sign to be USD 100 million. Is not cool? "

Capital consumer temperament is "fun" producers. A number of entrepreneurs to speak to Reuters, consumers in the capital are easily attracted luxury goods. When the super luxury cars released 20 units, immediately bought the rich people Jakarta. When the 200 watches from some particular brand sold at prices above $ 300 million, the goods are directly sold out within a week.

No one can sue the lifestyle of "the rich" Jakarta. Throughout the money earned by legal and lawful, the right of him to use his money. We would protest if the money from the proceeds of corruption are used for life-style such as the oil kings. They have no right to live in luxury at public expense. They were not worth living if its super luxurious obtained from deceptive or not paying taxes properly.

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