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Senin, 16 April 2012

Industry-Based Entrepreneurial Innovative Still Minimal

Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) states, the number of industry-based technopreneur or innovative entrepreneurs in Indonesia is still minimal.

"Currently, the number of entrepreneurs who are expected to become an innovative industry in Indonesia reached 0.24 percent of the total population of Indonesia. While in Malaysia has reached three percent, Singapore 7.2 percent, 11.5 percent and the United States," said Deputy Head of Sector Assessment BPPT Technology Policy, Tatang A Taufik, in Navan, on Wednesday (11/02/2011) night.

In fact, he said, 99 percent of entrepreneurs in Indonesia is engaged in trade.

Therefore, he added, need to work hard and smart and collaboration in order to strengthen the entrepreneurial ideal creative industries based in Indonesia can reach four per cent of the total population of this country. "As such, Indonesia's economy has the strength and the next big opportunity to become more advanced with innovative industry," he said.

Besides being the least amount of innovative industry-based entrepreneurs, he said, a new challenge in Indonesia is the growing number of college graduates unemployed intellectuals who had reached 1,132,751 people in September 2011, up 15.71 percent compared to 2010.

According to him, this is due to the orientation of graduates seeking work but not create jobs.

Related to that, he said, BPPT supported the Ministry of Research and Technology (Kemenristek) seeks to develop innovative industry-based entrepreneurs through the "Technopreneur Camp" as part of incubator development program conducted by the Center for Technology Incubators BPPT.

In this regard, he added, BPPT has worked with some of the provincial and district / city to create an innovative industry-based entrepreneurs through incubator development program.

"We are cooperating with local government which is committed to developing innovative industries, the Central Java Provincial Government, the Government Banyumas, Pekalongan District Government, and the City of Tegal," he said.

According to him, BPPT work to improve competitiveness by encouraging the development of innovative industries in the region. "How can we compete if you just rely on natural resources in the absence of innovation," he said. He cited the number of imported fruit in the market that can deliver a devastating effect on local fruit if there is no innovation in marketing. "Innovation must become a tradition in our society. One of the efforts by strengthening the competitiveness or the strengthening of innovation systems in the region," he said.

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