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Selasa, 17 April 2012

When traders Five Feet Learning Managing Money

Achieve not only a formal science and for certain circles. Male, female, old, young, whatever their profession, deserves additional study.

Tuesday (6/12/2011), about 250 vendors who are all women gain knowledge of financial management. They are excited because it will get additional useful knowledge to improve the economy.

Linda, as well as board member of the Five Foot Merchants Association of Indonesia (APKLI) in Jakarta, admitted that he had a similar financial management science. This time, he participated as a steering committee.

Linda is a day-to-day selling fish at Muara Angke, North Jakarta, said, he was taught how to sort out the money earned from the trade. For example, capital must be returned in full. Then, the benefits must also be distributed, among other savings, the cost of everyday living, and the reserve fund. "Such training is good. If previously mixed so that all the money could kepakai again. Since know the science, baseball should intervene more money, "says Linda.

Khodisah, APKLI board, adding, since obtaining knowledge of financial management, there are fellow female fellow street vendors to be more fierce. "Galaknya Look, if the husband is usually out two packs of cigarettes a day, now I can ask her husband to reduce smoking. The money can be saved, "said Khodisah.

Science is directly applied by Linda, Khodisah, and colleagues. Now, science is not only making the financial accounting system of the street vendors to be more orderly, but also make more appropriate use of funds. "There was previously no savings, has already had. In fact there is no insurance and a small investment, "said Khodisah.

The event was a corporate social responsibility (Corporate Social Responsibility / CSR) Prudential Insurance Indonesia, in cooperation with the Ministry of Women and Child Protection of the Republic of Indonesia.

State Minister of Women and Child Protection Linda Amalia Gumelar suggested, with the ability to manage finances, entrepreneurship can be more powerful. Especially for women entrepreneurs, who account for about 60 percent of micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

Prudential Indonesia President Director William Kuan added that in Indonesia many women run small businesses. "However, that has good access to financial literacy is still low," said Kuan.

Actually, the introduction of measures against these financial institutions in accordance with a program of Bank Indonesia (BI), the financial inclusion. Based on the records of Bank Indonesia, about 60 percent of Indonesia's population or 142 million people untouched by the financial institution.

Assistant Vice President Corporate Communications Prudential Indonesia Sutanto Widyananto admit, until now have not worked with Prudential Bank or banking in Indonesia despite having the same mission, namely to teach the things relating to financial management to the public.

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