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Selasa, 17 April 2012

This Business Listing is Flowing Water in the Year of the Dragon

By the turn of the Chinese New Year aka Lunar New Year, many businesses are trying to figure out a good business fortunes in the new year. Prediction of feng shui experts usually be one of their references.

Feng Shui experts will wander by the nickname of the new year. Well, at this year's Lunar Year of the Dragon Air epithet. According to experts contacted KONTAN feng shui, the Year of the Dragon Air is the year that can bring fortunes for some business sectors.

But Benny temperature, feng shui expert, warned to be careful this year. He says, typical Year of the Dragon Air is king. People want to try to make himself be treated like kings. Thus, if they are not going to be good at making people become arrogant. "That's why we behave so low profile so as not to get caught up in haughty attitude. Similarly, in running a business," so the advice Temperature Benny.

He explained that the water element dominated the skies in this Year of the Dragon Air. The other hand, the soil also contains water, so the element of water becomes more and potentially cause an imbalance in nature. However, because our country is at the equator, where the fire element is high, then the soil is stable. Thus, businesses that deal with land and water will be brighter this year.

Well, what are the business that his luck will bright on Dragon Air this year? The following reviews some feng shui experts;

A. Business Food and Beverage

Year of the Dragon Air also provide fortunes for business meals and beverages, such as the restaurant business. Feng shui experts say, food and beverage business is related to the water element, so the outlook is still good.
According to Benny temperature, food and beverage business is not going to die because the population is growing. Economic growth was also getting better so that leverages the purchasing power of people.
Similarly, according to Liem temperature. He also said the food and beverage businesses this will boost other businesses, like supermarkets and mini-business. These two sectors, in feng shui into the category of the earth element.

2. Agribusiness

Businesses in the agribusiness sector such as plants, crops, fisheries and livestock, will also be good prospects in the Year of the Dragon Air. The reason, the business is categorized as the water element.
According to Benny temperature, businesses in the agribusiness sector will increase. This can be characterized by the high growth of plants, either rice or the other. However, the weather, and irrigation infrastructure remains a major obstacle, and this should be wary of. "This business can be a great opportunity," he explained.

However, Liem had a different temperature. He said the agriculture business that grows in soil and water will experience crop failure due to high rainfall.

3. Creative industries

Businesses in the creative industries will also be stretched in the Year of the Dragon Air. According to Liem temperature, in feng shui, it combines elements of the creative industries and timber land. Ground water that contain elements of will nourish the wood. Thus, in his view, the creative industries will flourish.
According to the temperature of Acai, the most prospective is the creative industries in the field of entertainment. "Trends in the development of the entertainment world is also getting better," he added

But Benny said temperature, the creative industry businesses associated with the element of wood so it does not fit with the water. He predicts such creative arts, photography, textiles, and fashion will fade. The reason, the dominance of water can rot the wood.

4. Business Listing

Business in the property sector is being stretched. Luckily for those of you who are running the real estate business since the Year of the Dragon Air to bring blessings to the real estate business. Temperature Benny says, business property, among others, the business of building materials, land investment, and housing.

Feng shui expert from the University of Maranatha, Temperature Liem Hong Boen agrees. He says, businesses that belong to the earth element will continue to experience growth.

Similarly penerawangan feng shui expert, Temperature Acai. Year of the Dragon Air, according to him, will bring good luck for business relating to land, such as property. "Moreover, the growing population and dwellings into basic needs that must be met," he said.

So he sees a tendency to put more and more people ayang duitnya to buy land or homes can benefit more.

Apart from that, Teguh Satria, Chairman of the Advisory Board Organization Real Estate Indonesia (REI), admitted that the property business was predicted would be excited about this year. Moreover, the lower the interest rate of bank credit, thus spurring the housing credit.

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