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Jumat, 20 April 2012

BII and Danamon Share Bonus

Shareholders of Bank Danamon and Bank International Indonesia (BII) approved the bonus for their directors and commissioners. Value is higher than the previous year, despite the bank's business is growing mediocrity.

Danamon directors pocketed the profits share of about Rp 44 billion. While commissioners earn Rp 12 billion. This figure is higher than the bonuses distributed in 2010, at $ 36 billion for the directors and Rp 12 billion to the Commissioner.

Danamon Finance Director, Vera Eva Liem said, the division adjusted profits share the burden borne by each of the directors. "Tantiem up, because last year we appointed two new directors who resigned as a director," he said. Currently the number of Directors amounted to 9 people Danamon. End of December 2011, Danamon a profit of Rp 3.34 trillion, or grew 16 percent.

BII also enjoy the bonus management. Of net income in 2011, the directors get bonus Rp 14.62 billion. "All the directors work well and its distribution will be based on performance," said President Director of BII, Khairussaleh bin Dato Ramli. As of December 2011, BII recorded a profit of Rp 669 billion, growing 45 percent.

Sharing bonus is actually considered a bit odd, because the role of bankers in Indonesia is not very formidable. BI survey indicates, the share of total bank credit financing is minimal. 25 percent share of working capital and investment is only 21 percent. To finance the expansion, more entrepreneurs use their own funds. Portion is 61 percent of total capital. Business actors away from bank financing for several reasons. The top reasons: bank lending rates are still very high.

BI officials, Santoso Santoso said, if the rules of Basel III is applied, a bank that wanted to divide the dividend or bonus must meet capital requirements countercyclical capital buffer of 2.5 percent and the CAR above 13 percent. "If it does not comply, banks are prohibited for dividends, stock buybacks and bonuses of employees," he said recently. The new Basel III rules themselves apply to the full in the year 2019.

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