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Jumat, 20 April 2012

Dahlan Iskan Publish Three New Decree

"It (the issuance of Decree) is not due to an interpellation plan, but only as a guideline only," Dahlan said, after speaking at a discussion on "The Increasing Value Added, Support for SOE performance Towards World Class Company" at the House of Antam, Jakarta, Wednesday (18 / 4/2012).

Dahlan explained that all three ministerial decree (Decree) is no different to Decree No 236/2011 of the Delegation of Some Powers of the Deputy Minister of SOEs to the Ministry of Enterprise, directors, and commissioners. "The decree issued three ministerial decrees as well as at 13 April 2012 and prepared before the Parliament on the proposed interpellation 236/MBU/2011 issued Decree No state-owned enterprises," said Dahlan.

He explained that the three new decisions about how to itemize only authorizing the minister to the ranks at the bottom.

Decree No. 164 contains guidelines setting authority of the Minister to the Board. The next Ministerial Decree No. 165 on Guidelines for Determination of the Authority Secretary to the Board of Trustees and Directors, while Decree No. 166 set the setting authority of the Minister to state officials Echelon I.

Former Managing Director of PT PLN admitted surprise that some members of Parliament considered that the Ministerial Decree No. 236 dangerous by reason of directors may sell state-owned assets without the consent of the Minister and Parliament. "I ask, why before the Decree was issued many state-owned assets are lost, and why no one even after the assets are missing," he said.

However, Dahlan ensure that the rules issued by the Ministry of SOEs is to prevent the sale of state assets due to be set and the transfer of assets is not done haphazardly.

Earlier, Vice Chairman of House Commission VI Aria Bima says ready to roll out the right of interpellation to the Minister of SOEs Dahlan Iskan to question the Decree No. 236/2011. Minister's decision is considered to be substantially or legal-formal violation and contrary to state laws and regulations.

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