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Selasa, 17 April 2012

Generate Hundreds concerns Million

Who would have thought Peni concerns of Indonesian cultural product shaped souvenir that seem rare in the market could reap hundreds of millions of dollars. Such income is proof that the product is a typical souvenir Indonesia has great potential. "His business was new, from the year 2009," said Peni Zulandari Suroto, Nalini Intercraft business owners to, last weekend.

He claimed the idea was originally purely because of concerns he and a business partner of Indonesia souvenirs that are rarely found on the market. After trying to observe some of the time, he realized that souvenirs that other countries have a lot of relatives are encountered. Even if there are typical souvenirs Indonesia, quality is not as good as typical souvenirs of other countries. "We try to find, not bener does not exist (rare). It turns out after looking (really rare). Finally dared to venture," he said.

Moreover, he said, Indonesia culture manifold. But he himself is rather difficult because it is not armed with skills as a painter or photographer. With his expertise, the painter can produce paintings and photography can produce good photographs. He got the idea to make souvenirs such as in general, which, among other things, the disc-shaped. There are at least 10 types of forms of souvenirs he produces today. Form of plates and a refrigerator magnet is the most widely sold. "We can not forget the Indonesian identity," said Peni.

Identity is the most important products. So, in any product label name "Indonesia" and a little description of the culture shown in, for example, souvenir plate shape. Later, he said, he will try to give testimony in his souvenir products. "The plates have a little story descriptions. This year in all product descriptions will be," he said.

For example, if there is a refrigerator magnet in the form of a custom shirt, then he will give a description of the traditional dresses from where it came from, and stressed that it was just one cultural product of the tens or hundreds of cultural products of a region.

Because it has no historical or cultural background, Peni and his somewhat difficult to lift a culture that will be used as a souvenir. That way, he should be diligent in accessing the internet from various sources and summarize.

"The second difficulty is the resource of raw materials, because of possible formats (the gift) is not many people make," he said. But, he managed to cope with at least seven associates include the making of its products, such as puppet craftsman who makes the motive for their products. In other words, he and his colleagues simply act as coordinator.

Another difficulty is the distribution or find a place that can be deposited products. The place should also be able to reach both the local and foreign tourists. He also had found a great place to attract consumers, but stifling in terms of results.

This year, gift her business into the market will attempt to Yogyakarta and Bali. Both provinces are required to be entered as it is still a point of tourism in Indonesia. Its products will try to be marketed in a number of places such as airports and local souvenir shops.

Peni was interesting attempt to make it as Bank Mandiri trained partners. Nalini Intercraft have participated in the Young Entrepreneur Independent since 2010. As a regional finalist Jakarta, Nalini was included in the various seminars and expos by state-owned bank is up to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The main production of souvenirs with shaped plates per month could reach 2,000 pieces, and a refrigerator magnet that reached 2,500, so he can reap a turnover of up to Rp 300 million. Initial capital, Peni and his colleagues have dug his own pocket from the savings and loans from relatives up to Rp 75 million. He also borrowed from the bank for further capital along with the development effort. "I think (the key in the process) resources are not (only) his skills," said Peni.

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