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Jumat, 20 April 2012

Government Prepares Fish Port Connector

Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries set up a liaison between the fishing port and production center at this year's market centers. It was an effort to encourage the industrialization of fisheries.

This statement was made Director General of Processing and Marketing of Fisheries Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Saut Hutagalung in Jakarta, Thursday (04/19/2012).

Saut points out, for the initial stage, the main connecting port is planned to be placed in two production centers, such as Ambon. The rest is being studied in Sorong, West Papua; Ternate, North Maluku, and Bungus, West Sumatra.

Liaison at the production center of the port will be enabled to accommodate fish from fishing centers in anticipation of shortages of raw materials in a bad season the fish. From the port, then the fish is sent to the port connector in the center of the market.

As for the connecting port on the market centers are planned in Surabaya, East Java, and Bitung in North Sulawesi. Market centers that will collect the fish from the central liaison deployed to production for processing business.

"At least the main interface port was built in 2013," he said.

At each port will be built connecting 20000-30000 ton capacity cold storage.

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