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Jumat, 20 April 2012

Job Seeker No Need to Take Paper

Job seekers who come to Compass Career Fair 2012, at Balai Kartini, Jakarta, 27-28 April 2012, no need to bring the proposal in the form of paper files. Simply by bringing the files in soft copy. Application file, such as curriculum vitae, will be uploaded into the system where the activities take place.

"So the job seeker to come, enter your CV into the system," said Project Manager Compass, Marine Novita, Wednesday (18/04/2012). Identification number that will be used later to apply for vacancies in each booth.

This condition is different from previous KKF using a barcode system. "When purchasing tickets, job seekers can enter the ID number for each booth," he added.

This year the KKF system does not work online or use the internet. System in the KKF, titled "Career Engagement" will be offline. "To minimize the internet down," he explained.

"In this event we use a system that we have designed themselves. HRD find any matching candidate or candidate. Bottom line with this system we can find a job," said Marine.

For information, KKF brings together around 200 companies in 2012. In addition to providing many job opportunities, KKF also deliver the kind of talk show that will last for two days.

There will be 12 Jedi who talked about his career. Do not miss the SOE Minister Dahlan Iskan and Career Coach Rene Suhardono will provide knowledge about careers.

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