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Jumat, 20 April 2012

Three Airlines Official Airline Being Haji Service

Three Airlines Official Airline Being Haji Service
Three airlines authorized to host this year's Hajj transportation. They are Garuda Indonesia, Batavia Air and Saudi Arabian Airlines. "Only a third airline," said Minister of Religious Affairs Suryadharma Ali on Wednesday (18/04/2012).

Suryadharma explains, the decision of the organizer of the three airlines that transport pilgrims set out from since 3 April, after the government gave the airline a chance to bid.

Regarding the participation of Saudi Arabia Airlines airline, said it is mandatory Suryadharma. "Saudi Arabian Airlines shall be included, because we embrace the principle of reprosikal. If we send citizens to the country of destination, the airline from the country of destination is given the opportunity to participate," he explained.

For information, the amount of the costs of conducting the Hajj (BPIH) in 2011 and was recorded at Rp 30,771,900. This decreased the amount of Rp 308 700 from the previous year to Rp 31.08 million per congregation.

BPIH component of pilgrims paid includes the cost of embarkation Hajj flights to Saudi Arabia, the cost of public services (general service fee) for the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the cost of lodging in Mecca and Medina, and Living allowance for pilgrims in Saudi Arabia.

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