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Jumat, 20 April 2012

Prepared OJK Code of Conduct

Establishment Preparation Team Leader Financial Services Authority (OJK) Mulya P. Nasution said the Board of Commissioners after the establishment of OJK, OJK soon established a code of conduct.

"Yes the code of ethics is one of the focus later. After DK OJK elected, one of the DK will be the Chairman of the Ethics Committee," said Mulya, Tuesday (04/17/2012).

About what the concept of a code of conduct, Mulya can not tell you much. According to him, obviously, the preparation of a code of conduct OJK not depart from zero at all. "We did not start up from scratch, but it can synchronize with existing code of ethics in the Ministry of Finance and Bank Indonesia. We'll see if there is a need to be tightened or expanded," he said.

Establishment of a code of conduct has become the mandate of the Act OJK. In article 32 paragraph 1 stated the Board of Commissioners establish and enforce a code of conduct OJK. Meanwhile, article 32 paragraph 2 further mention provisions on codes of conduct as prescribed in paragraph (1) is regulated by the Board Komisoner.

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