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Jumat, 20 April 2012

Not to Approve Acquisition of Bank Danamon

Director of Bank Indonesia Supervision II Kussulanjari Endang Tri Subari, say, Bank Indonesia have agreed to DBS Group plans to take over the shares owned by Asia Financial (Indonesia) in PT Bank Danamon Tbk (BDMN). Because the plan did not go into the bank's business plan.

"We are steering this is the information of the business plan it. In two bank business plan that does not exist. We're asking any corporate action or not it does not exist," said Endang, after attending financial seminars related to the Financial Services Authority (OJK), in Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta, Wednesday (18/04/2012).

He said that so far has not approved a plan BI Singapore-based bank is. BI decision was based because the plan's takeover by DBS Asia Financial Group are not included in the DBS good business plan and Danamon. Though not go into a business plan, Endang said, BI has not been thought to give sanction. "No (no penalty). We're always researching the business plan is there a strategic plan," he stated.

Endang also said the two banks still have a chance to review the business plan. "Yes they should enter. If there are strategic as they should enter," he said. "We have not been to the sanctions, yes," said Endang.

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