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Jumat, 20 April 2012

Mega Capital Sells Interest Retail Rp 248.9 Billion

PT Mega Capital Indonesia is one of 24 realtors agents designated the Ministry of Finance, the issuance of Sukuk Retail SR004.

Of issuance of the Sukuk Mega Capital, a subsidiary of CT Corporation, sold Retail Sukuk amounting to Rp 248.9 billion SR004 from total sales of Rp 13.6 trillion of government.

This is expressed by the President Director of PT Mega Capital Indonesia, Nani Susilowati, the donation ceremony Nation Child Care Education Government Retail Sales Sukuk SR004 PT Mega Capital Indonesia, the Chairul Foundation (CTF) in Jakarta, Thursday (04/19/2012).

In the event that the Director of Finance attended the Ministry of Finance Sharia Dahlan Siamat, Chairman Mrs. Anita Chairul CTF, and former Minister Yusuf Anwar also noted that financial Commissioner of Mega Capital Indonesia.

Government Retail Bond Interest is based on sharia is a safe investment instruments, as issued by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.

According to Dahlan, in the marketing of Retail State Sukuk SR004, the government has declared the theme of Education Child Care for the Nation, which is associated with a program of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of the selling agent.

Retail Sukuk issuance has been done in the last three years, and be limited but positive response from the community.

Dalaim regard, said Nani Susilowati, Mega Capital has set aside a fund of Rp 100 million for the development of English in CTF laboratory located in Medan, North Sumatra. The funding is part of Mega Capital income earned from the sale of Sukuk, to help the world of education.

Sukuk investors are not only meant for Muslims only, but also can be used as an investment instrument for the wider community. As an instrument of investment, the returns on the Sukuk is very attractive when compared to similar instruments.

"This is evident in which each State Retail Sukuk issuance is always excess demand," said Nani.

Mega Capital, said Nani, not just this time to CSR program but already several times to various social activities, in the form of aid to orphanages, nursing homes, and orphanages around the neighborhood and branch offices throughout the Mega Capital Indonesia.

While donations are tied to sales and Retail Sukuk State Government Retail Bonds are donated to the Sri Biodiversity Foundation, the sale of Government Retail Bonds ORI007 and donations to the Red Cross Indonesia (PMI) on SR002 Retail State Sukuk sales.

Chairul Anita thank you for the donation, and it will be directly used for the construction of English Language Laboratory.

CTF is the foundation engaged in education that aims to create a superior child. Those in the CTF are the children of victims of the tsunami disaster in 2004 which ruled dibawag House Children Madani (RAM).

There is also seeded the high school held a special CTF for children from poor families but have good academic achievement.

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