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Jumat, 20 April 2012

Picture warnings Cigarettes 40 Percent

The ministers agreed to pictorial and written warnings about the dangers of smoking to 40 percent of the cigarette packs on each side. Transition time application of this rule is one year to two years since its enactment.
Tobacco farmers need not worry because this rule still protect their existence.
- Agung Laksono

Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare Agung Laksono after the Cross-Sector Coordination Meeting on the Draft Ministerial Regulation (RPP) on Protection addictive substances Substances Containing Form of Tobacco Products for the Health in Jakarta, Thursday (04/19/2012), says that this rule is to protect hazard posed by cigarettes, not smoking bans.

"Tobacco Farmers do not need to worry because these rules are still protecting their existence," he said.

This coordination is present in the meeting, among others, Coordinating Minister Hatta Rajasa and Deputy Minister of Health Ali Ghufron Mukti.

With this provision, each tobacco company must include picture warnings on every pack of cigarette smoking at least 40 percent of the cigarette packs on each side. Rules Indonesia is lagging behind compared to other countries because they already include pictorial warnings by 70 percent since a long time. In fact, some countries already require plain cigarette packs.

However, there is no clarity when the regulations will be established. RPP on Safety Materials Containing Tobacco Products form of addictive substances is brewing for the Health and antarkementerian since 2010 and is the mandate of Law Number 36 Year 2009 Health on Health.

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