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Senin, 16 April 2012

Bank Mutiara Become a Member To-50 ATM Prima

PT Bank Mutiara Tbk (BCIC) officially became a member of the Prima-50 ATM with the signing of a cooperation agreement with PT Rintis Prosperous, as the ATM network manager Prima, Monday (04/02/2012).

Cooperation agreement signed by the Director of BCIC Maryono with President Director of PT Rintis Prosperous Iwan Setiawan. The signing ceremony was also attended by Heru Budiargo as Chairman of the Board of Commissioners Agency Loan Corporation (LPS) and BCA President John Setiaatmadja.

This means that Pearl customers can use a variety of banking services, such as cash withdrawals, check balances, transfer between banks in real time online in 34 600 ATM machines Prima network, including more than 8,500 ATMs throughout Indonesia BCA.

President Director of Bank Mutiara, Maryono, hoping integration with ATM networks can support the plan Prima Bank Mutiara (BCIC) in augmenting the portion of low-cost funding and increased revenue nonbunga (fee-based income). "Until the end of 2012, we are targeting savings of transactions increase by 50 percent and non-interest income (fee-based income) reached Rp 120 billion, grew 24 percent compared to the year 2011 which amounted to Rp 97 billion," explained Maryono.

To date a total of 244 000 customers of Bank Mutiara reach customers, which consists of 54 000 194 000 customer funding and credit customers. "The total ATM transactions reach 45,000 transactions per month at 61 Pearl Bank ATM machine," said Maryono.

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