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Jumat, 20 April 2012

Still Marginal Fishermen fate Andon

Fisheries supervisors, Directorate General of Marine Resources and Fisheries off six fishing vessels from Heilbron, Central Java, having previously been arrested for fishing outside the permitted area.
It makes no sense, but it happens. Our fishermen caught in our own country for violating boundaries, while fishermen from Malaysia who enter our waters should not be arrested.
- Syahrin Abdurrahman

They were released after a fraudulent money amounting to Rp 90 million by unscrupulous officers on behalf of Maritime Security Coordinating Board (Bakorkamla) as well as local marine and fisheries agencies.

The number of the crew who were freed as many as 88 people, who are fishermen or fishermen andon move.

It is the sixth ship KM Excellence Arta Mina, Mina Barokah Arta KM, 02 KM Resources Rezeki son, Arta Mina Rezeki KM, KM Sido Mulyo 2, and KM Sanjaya Era. The sixth ship was arrested on 8 April 2012 in a joint operation under the coordination Bakorkamla.

Director General of Marine Resources and Fisheries (PSDKP) Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Syahrin Abdurrahman in Jakarta, Thursday (19/04/2012), andon the fishermen expressed concern that a victim of a group of people who are not responsible.

Bermodus fraud who claimed to head the Department of Marine and Fisheries of East Kalimantan Mulyana Iwan, who contacted the board fishers with a phone number 08,111,876,754. Person asked for Rp 90 million money transfers to be submitted to the Task Force Commander Bakorkamla Region II A Lubis and Head of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Iwan Mulyana.

"We're investigating this fraud case. However, it was hard to return the money of Rp 90 million," said Syahrin.

Syahrin argues, fraud cases on behalf of officials or official has happened several times. Latter case, the person on behalf of the Director-General PSDKP fraud amounting to Rp 150 million.

He added, andon the fishermen should have equal opportunities to catch fish in the waters of Indonesia. However, the cause of regional autonomy based territorial waters often dikapling districts and provinces to permit fishing in the waters of the local agency.

Fishing vessels andon Juwana origin, he said, a permit to fish in the north of Java, but the boundary coordinates of the point of arrest are not included. As a result, fishermen caught andon potentially in other regions.

"It's absurd, but it happens. Fishermen us in our own country were arrested for violating the border, while fishermen from Malaysia who enter our waters should not be arrested," he said.

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