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Selasa, 17 April 2012

"Franchise" English, a Profitable Investment

Increasingly fierce global competition requires every person to have foreign language skills, especially English. In Indonesia, every student who has been educated to university, can be said to have gained an average of English lessons over 10 years. Unfortunately, according to some surveys, the level of mastery of English in Indonesia is still below the neighboring countries, like Singapore, Malaysia, to the Philippines.

Tom Randolph, of the U.S. English Language Fellow, the agency formed by the U.S. embassy said it was due to English language education in Indonesia, more memorization than understanding. This, he says, to challenge the mastery of English in Indonesia.

To meet the challenges tersbeut, ELTI Scholastic (ELTI), institutions of education courses in English that has stood since 1989, introduced the concept of English teaching more practice, described by the easy and fun, but still did not leave a good understanding of language Siwak, right , and accurate.

"We are here not to replace formal education, but rather complementary. Thus, ELTI do have their own curriculum that aims to train students to be able to speak English well, true, and accurate, "said Evelina Kusumawardhani, Director of Academic ELTI, last week, in Surabaya, East Java.

With this concept, in its journey of more than 20 years, students ELTI has reached hundreds of thousands and spread throughout Indonesia. Given the growing need in various areas throughout Indonesia, opened a business investment opportunity of education through the franchise system.

"Since the middle of this year, precisely in June, we officially offer the opportunity to do business in English education with a franchise system. Built with a proven system of education, and support of large corporate groups Scholastic, make ELTI franchise option is a definite advantage, "said Jerry Udampo, Franchise Director ELTI Scholastic.

In East Java alone, ELTI participated in the event Info Franchise & Business Concept (IFBC) Expo "Come on Entrepreneurship" in Scholastic Expo, at 9 to 11 December 2011 to provide an opportunity for potential investors in around East Java and other eastern Indonesia.

According to Jerry, English language education market in East Java and the surrounding areas is still very wide open.

"As one of the provinces that have the most number of colleges, plus 1000 more boarding school that teaches English, plus a growing proliferation of international schools in East Java, this is a very potential market," added Jerry.

Franchise Fee is offered 200 million, the estimated capital will return in the third year. Currently there is a franchisee who has been in operation and four others were waiting for the inauguration. The location is scattered in Makassar, Batam, Tasikmalaya, and several other locations that are waiting for approval and surveys.

Previously, the branch held its own ELTI already exist in 11 locations in the area of ​​Java and Sumatra.

"In our ELTI did not merely accept investors who have money, but those who have a major commitment to advancing education, especially English in Indonesia," said Jerry.

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