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Jumat, 20 April 2012

RAPP Showcase Exhibition Measuring CO2 Emissions in Climate Change

Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (RAPP) following the '2 nd Indonesia Exhibition Climate Change, Education Forum, initiated and the National Council on Climate Change (DNPI).

Chairman Tony Wenas RAPP in a news release Friday said the exhibition is very useful to convey information to the public about the various facts and scientific evidence on climate change and its impacts, and to convey information about the achievement of the various parties in conducting mitigation and adaptation to climate change impacts.

At this exhibition, which displayed one of the RAPP is a Li-Cor 8100 which is a gauge of soil CO2 flux automatically. The tool can measure the CO2 emissions every 15 minutes and the data can be downloaded remotely via the GSM network. This tool is one of the most advanced CO2 emissions measurement tool available today.

In the discussion that was part of this exhibition, inviting experts RAPP land resources, Prof Muhajir Utomo, a member of the Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) for the implementation of eco-hydro by PT RAPP Kampar Peninsula.

He presents the results of MRV has been done during the last 1.5 years. MRV program was conducted to answer the concerns of some of the Kampar peat ecosystem damage and negative impacts on local communities.

"With the company's commitment to always apply the best practices (best practices) and the continuous improvement (continuous improvement), we are optimistic that the company is able to contribute to the preservation of peat in the Kampar Peninsula ecosystem and to improve the welfare of the community," said Tony Wenas.

In this exhibition, Balthasar Kambuaya Environment Minister, Chairman of the National Council on Climate Change (DNPI) Rachmat Witoelar accompanied by Chairman of Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (RAPP) Tony Wenas, Managing Director of RAPP Kusnan Rahmin RAPP opportunity to visit booths and listen to the explanation of a work Li-Cor 8100 which is a gauge of soil CO2 flux automatically by the researchers, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) Dr. Satyanto K Saptomo.

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