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Jumat, 20 April 2012

12 Million and 30 Million Corporate Tax payers Mover

At least 12 million companies and 30 million taxpayers (WP) is still a tax pengemplang. As a result, the country loses trillions of dollars.

Tax Director General Fuad Rahmany said the reason the tax pengemplang it is not unreasonable. Generally, they consider the tax they pay will corrupted by tax officers, as Gaius and Dhana. "The case is actually utilized by the pengemplang taxes, but if they do not pay taxes through the tax man, there will be no corrupted funds because the funds will go directly to the treasury account," said Fuad Rahmany in the seminar "Dynamics of National Taxation: Idealism and Reality, "held at the House Graha Sabha Pramana, UGM, Thursday (19/04/2012).

Fuad Rahmany admitted, the case of Gaius and Dhana, the image of the Directorate General of Taxation (DGT) slump. "To the extent that the DGT's office called Gaius office," he said. In fact, continued Fuad, Gaius and Dhana only person who flirted with business taxpayers.

There are 32 000 tax officers who still have ideals and promote honesty. Fuad also deplored the legal process runs only apply to the tax man. "If you want to eradicate the mafia tax, bribe giver and the receiver must be processed all," he said.

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