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Jumat, 20 April 2012

Cigarette Ads Up 72 Square Meters

In addition about the pictorial warnings on cigarette, Cross-Sector Coordination Meeting on the Draft Ministerial Regulation (RPP) on Protection addictive substances Substances Containing Form of Tobacco Products for the Health also agreed on the size of tobacco advertising in outdoor media by 72 square meters.
RPP does not prohibit the planting of tobacco, cigarette manufacturing, selling cigarettes, or smoking.

"Promotion or advertising of cigarettes is not prohibited, but regulated," said Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare Agung Laksono after a coordination meeting at the Ministry of Health, Jakarta, Thursday (19/04/2012).

Besides size, the rules of tobacco advertising ban in the RPP also demonstrate, use, and cigarette form or appearance. Ads also may not include the name of the product in question is smoking, do not stimulate or encourage people to smoke, and is not intended for children, adolescents, or pregnant women.

"RPP is to control the cigarette so that the loss is not extensive. RPP does not prohibit the planting of tobacco, cigarette manufacturing, selling cigarettes, or smoke," added Deputy Minister of Health Ali Ghufron Mukti.

RPP is a mandate of Law Number 36 Year 2009 Health on Health. The government says this RPP will be legalized, but not certain time.

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