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Jumat, 20 April 2012

Depending on the number of employees OJK Organizational Structure

Head of Capital Market Supervisory Agency and Financial Institution is also a candidate member of the Financial Services Authority Board of Commissioners, Nurhaida, not sure how many employees who will eventually fill the Financial Services Authority. According to him, the number of employees depending on the organizational structure of the OJK. "It's depending on how the organizational structure. So while the organizational structure is not yet final. So we can not this (give figures how many employees)," it said after attending a seminar related Nurhaida OJK, in Jakarta, Wednesday (04/18/2012).

Nurhaida say certainty the number of employees who will fill the OJK will depend on the organizational form of OJK. If a simple organizational structure was decided that the number of employees required is not much. "If the organization suddenly ramping course requirements approved HR (human resources) a bit. If the organization is even more the need for bigger," he added.

Therefore, he declined to detail how many employees will be employed OJK. "So it may not be used to deh (put the number of employees) than the numbers I call it an organization that was approved after discussion with the Bank Indonesia apparently simple organization simple yes definitely needs just a little," added Nurhaida.

Previously reported, the establishment of OJK Preparation Team began to develop new recruitment of OJK outside an employee of Bank Indonesia (BI) and Bapepam-​​LK.

The establishment of OJK Preparation Team Leader, Mulya P Nasution, said recruitment will begin in October or November. "Surely it would be seen what the whole job could be filled. Since 2013 later to be filled not only capital and multi-market, but also other services such as IT and law," said Mulya, in Jakarta, Tuesday (17/04/2012).

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