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Jumat, 20 April 2012

Net Income Up 45 Percent BII

PT Bank International Indonesia (BII) Limited recorded a net profit of Rp 669 billion in 2011, up 45 percent over the previous year. Achievement is one of them is supported by solid growth in core businesses.

"BII has demonstrated improved performance and increased business growth in 2011," said President Director of BII Dato 'Khairussaleh bin Ramli, in a release received, Thursday (04/19/2012).

In addition to income, credit consolidation BII has grown 25 percent from Rp 53.6 trillion in December 2010 to Rp 67.2 trillion in December 2011. Significant loan growth has brought the total assets of Rp 94.9 BII level trillion, up 26 percent compared to 2010.

With such financial condition, the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) approved the establishment of the use of BII net profit for the year ended December 31, 2011 at $ 66.89 billion as a general reserve. This reserve to meet the provisions of article 70 of the Limited Liability Company Law and Article 25 of the Articles of Association. The remaining Rp 602.06 billion defined as retained earnings.

"The fundamentals are solid combined with the strong commitment of the Maybank Group will contribute positively to the BII as we can reach a larger market share. In it happen, we want to always be in the middle of the communities where we operate, providing products and services as part of our mission humanizing financial services, "added Dato 'Khairussaleh.

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