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Selasa, 17 April 2012

Savory Profit from 'Tutut' Boil

If you happen to pass in Jalan Abdullah bin Nuh, Taman Yasmin Bogor, West Java, a time for a moment stop by and buy boiled snails sold along the road. .

Boiled snails snails sold it is rice that tastes almost like sea shells. This dish is eaten with white rice snugly warm. In Sundanese, snails fields are usually called by Tutut.

There are about 50 dealers who hung Tutut boiled along Jalan Abdullah bin Nuh, Bogor. In addition to using a cart, there are many traders who use the car to peddle his wares

Each merchant provides a chair or bed mat for buyers who want to eat on the spot. However, not a few customers who ask for wrapped to take home.

One trader Tutut poached in this area is Ade. To enrich the flavor, add Ade variety of spices, such as the original, rendang, sweet and sour, oyster sauce, chili, and curry flavor.

For the original flavor of boiled Tutut cost Rp 3,000 per share. Snails taste oyster sauce was priced at Rp 5,000 per share. Of selling this Tutut, Ade said they might sell 30 kilograms (kg) to 50 kg per day of boiled said. "My net profit of about Rp 200,000 to Rp 300,000 per day," he said.

Other merchants who carry the Muhyi Abdul trademark Tutut Oyeng Mang. With three carts of trade, he could sell Tutut sebanyak100 boiled to 300 servings per day. "My income is around Rp 200,000, Rp 300,000, up to Rp 400,000 per day," he said.

Tutut fortune selling boiled Giyanto also obtained. The difference, he was hawking his wares in the car. In one day he could sell 20 pounds of boiled Tutut, with revenues ranging from Rp 200,000 to Rp 300,000 per day. "Tutut are many who are looking for is good for health," he said.

Tutut material is usually purchased from rice farmers in Cianjur snails. In addition, there is also a buy from the farmers in Bogor.

Giyanto own purchase of the Market Anyar Bogor. But lately, the hunters Tutut on the market more and more. "If you want to buy in the market, have had to wait from two in the morning," he said.

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