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Selasa, 17 April 2012

Without legs, Sugeng 'Flying High' ....

Physical limitations do not always restrict a person to do more, or even 'flying high' and excel in a particular field. Sugeng Priyono (35) could be one example of the existing concrete. Guitar craftsman who lives in RT 2 RW 1 Mijen Merbuh Singorojo, Kendal, Central Java since birth did not have legs. But now he can expand his business very well.

The key, according to SMP Merbuh dropout born to Jacob and the couple Sumiah is not discouraged by his physical condition. In fact, defects in both legs, it could serve as motivation to do better. Sugeng is now able to make an electric guitar with a quality not inferior to existing products on the market.

Evidently, the number of local musicians from the area around Kendal and the hunt for his work Semarang. Besides quality, the price of this guitar is relatively cheaper. "This is a gift from God. For behind the lack of my body, I rarely have the expertise possessed by others," he said proudly.

Recognized by the single-born Kendal, October 10, 1977, although the usual homemade guitar enthusiasts come from Kendal and Semarang, but there is also a buyer of Yogyakarta, Solo and Jakarta. They know the place, from mouth to mouth. In addition, a brochure from a brochure distributed, when there is a festival band. "That's the way I promote my homemade guitar. Alhamdulillah, by the way, every month there are about 5 to 7 subscribers who come to my house," he explained.

The price of a guitar, so it depends on spare part. If PU (spool) was made in Korea up to Rp. 1.5 million more. But if its local PU, it costs only about $ 1 million. He said the essence of the electric guitar in the PU. The better the PU more expensive. Akuistik guitar was for the price, there is the Rp 800 thousand. "All living pemesannya," he explained.

A good wood for making guitar is Mahogany wood. In addition to producing better sound, curved mahogany is fast and good fiber. The wood is also not very heavy. Another with teakwood. Although fiber is better, but if you have so become heavy weight guitar. Other difficulties, look for an old teak wood, but it was expensive too hard to come by. "To find a Mahogany wood, in my village is still quite easy. There are many people who had a Mahogany tree," he said.

Sugeng expertise in the field of timber obtained from his father, Jacob. A well-known carpenter in the village. Often he saw his father memasah and choose a good wood, making it an expert in the timber industry. Have a basic idea of ​​making guitars obtained after undergoing treatment at the Institute of Medicine's Christian Foundation for Public Health (YAKKUM) Yogyakarta in 1994.

To maintain the quality of a homemade electric guitar, Sugeng never mass-produce it. He preferred to serve the order. Although there are also some special guitar that he made at a high price. "I prefer the desires and customer satisfaction. Guitar that I made a very personal, one guitar only to one person. So we realize the desire of the buyer, the buyer wanted a guitar that how, make my," said Sugeng.

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