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Senin, 16 April 2012

Public Angkringan type, the returns Restaurant

Sushi foods are increasingly in demand in Indonesia. Some typical Japanese food business partnership has also begun to spread. The price is much cheaper, the stores were selling sushi business partnerships and spread in several cities.

Japanese food is no stranger to the tongue of the people of Indonesia. One that has been friendly menu is sushi. Sushi outlets in shopping malls are filled by the consumers of this food enthusiasts.

Consumer enthusiasm in the sushi restaurant franchise it makes a lot of Japanese entry into Indonesia. Even so, many also offer food cooperative efforts of entrepreneurs Indonesia. Type of business rather than restaurant, but the class alias booth with the concept of partnership business opportunity. For example, Japanese Street Zushioda Ikki Sushi and Sushi.

Yodha Aditya, owner of the partnership Zushioda Japanese Street Sushi, Japanese food enthusiasts see that very large indeed. "In Indonesia, the concept of eating sushi, many assume this kind of serious eating," says restaurant consultant Japanese makers have also experienced some Japanese restaurants.

In fact, in Japan, there is the concept of eating sushi at sidewalk cafes or in terms of locations referred to famous place. In Japan, angkringan usually called Yatai. The food served is usually a traditional Japanese food such as yakitori, sushi, yakiniku, agemono, Oden, and Hakata ramen. Usually there are also drinks like sake or beer. Food sold at Yatai are usually relatively cheaper than in restaurants.

After a successful restaurant business, Aditya tried to offer a partnership Yatai Zushioda outlets. This bid has been running for one month. However, according to him, there were some people who put themselves forward as partners. "On average, outside Jakarta," he said. Which is currently only one street outlets in the region Tebet, South Jakarta.

Partnership bids from the other sushi PT Ikki Group, the Ikki Sushi. This business partnership has been running for three years. Widi Mada, Ikki Sushi business owner, said that although the three new partners to join him, every consumer is fairly large sushi outlets. "One day, my partner could buy groceries up to Rp 1 million," he said.

Unfortunately, Widi do not know exactly how much turnover is accounted for each partner. Understandably, the partnership system, it does not charge royalties. Because of this, he also did not receive reports how the turnover of partners. The three partners, two of which are located in Jakarta, which is in the Plaza Semanggi and Galaxy, Jakarta, and one in the Palace Plaza, Bandung.

One more shop booth with the concept of sushi is Sushi Rock n Roll. Tenesia Megariani, the owner of this business, it's been claimed to have 10 partners. "We are already way over the past two years," he said. Not only from a growing number of partners, partner turnover obtains bad either. He says, for the class booth, the average partner turnover gain USD 22 million to Rp 30 million per month. The sale price sushi from Rp 6,000-Rp 49 000 per roll.

Price sushi is sold in partnership shaped booth is much cheaper than restaurant class. Widi said the price of sushi than it began to Rp 5,000 per roll. "The sale price to the consumer can be determined by the partners themselves because they may also take into account postage and other costs," he said.

Similar to what is expressed by Aditya, Widi admitted selling price sushi at Zushioda only Rp 12,000-Rp 20,000 per roll. During this month, according to him, the revenue coming into the new partners around Rp 14 million. However, he predicted, in the future, the turnover of sales per month could reach Rp 24 million. "My goal, one booth per day can earn Rp 800,000," he said.

Interested in starting a business of this food? We will review how they offer this business partnership.

• Yatai Zushioda

Aditya offers this famous Japanese-style partnership with the price of Rp 38 million. The initial capital used to purchase the booth, including tables, chairs, coolers, and some other equipment. Also, still including the initial raw material valued at $ 2 million.

In addition to funds set up for that, you also still have to prepare a place for setting up this business. There is no place for the size of this famous concept does not require a large enough space. However, Aditya suggest the location of the location where the business is adjacent to the center of the crowd. "The first place I go near the Seven Eleven. Offline stores also occasionally stop by my booth," he said.

You also still have to prepare the employee whose job is to keep the stall. "Three employees enough to as waiters, cooks, and cashiers," he said.

Before starting this business, Aditya will also provide training prior to its partners. Time it takes about 14 days. Therefore, partners or employees must be given the sushi cooking lesson. Understandably, not all types of sushi can be directly imported from Aditya. There are some sushi that had to be produced fresh.

Aditya adds, if it is outside Jakarta, partners must provide transportation and accommodation costs for training. "The cost of Rp 38 million, not including the accommodation and transportation," he said.

Because the pattern of this business is a partnership, you will not charge royalties or management fees. "The system is indeed true sale. Just have to buy some groceries for me to maintain quality," he said.

Net profit per month this business could reach 50 percent of turnover. Operating expenses came from employee wages and raw materials. If you lease your premises, the cost was also quite a burden. If the business is running smoothly with income Rp 800,000 per day, Aditya estimated turnover of this business could be for 5-6 months.

• Ikki Sushi

One of the partnership property is offered with the Ikki Group offers a capital of Rp 80 million. The funds were used for the booth, some equipment, and initial raw material. Raw materials are supplied, according to the Widi, not just raw material for sushi. Because, in the booth will also offer other Japanese foods, such as bento and yakiniku.

You should also prepare a crowded location. Widi from experience, there is an established partner in the housing and the stall is quite successful. In addition to opening in the housing, there is also an opening in the mall.

Besides setting up the place, you also must provide employees. "We would love the chef as well as all sushi we can not supply," said Widi. However, there are some foods that can be supplied in a frozen state and lived in stalls fry.

Net profit of the business, according to the Widi, can reach 40-50 percent. As for the turnover could reach 1.5 to 2 years.

• Sushi Rock n Roll

Tenesia offers five partnerships. Booth partnership with an investment of Rp 65 million, the type of counter island with an investment of Rp 95 million, the type of sushi bar with an investment of Rp 140 million, the type of restaurant with an investment of Rp 300 million, and the big restaurant with a capital of Rp 500 million. With a fund of that, the partners will get the counter supplies, such as sushi chiller, freezer, refrigerator, rice cooker and, according to the type of counter. In addition, Tenesia will supervise every three months once in five months.

Partners will also receive training for two weeks to a month. The training of them for cooking and management. Tenesia guarantee the taste of sushi to be presented will not be much change if you have followed standard operating procedures (SOP). "There has been measuring otherwise apart from that, I think it would not be much different," he said.

The recommended location to open this business, according to Tenesia, must be in a crowded place and in accordance with the type of counter you want. If the type of booth, for example, he suggested to open in the food court, schools, colleges, sports centers, and recreation. "Because of this type for the food court, we do not provide tables and chairs for customers," he said.

Tenesia said, you also have to set up businesses and business licenses. "Usually the license fee for an average of Rp 2.5 million for the type of restaurant," he said. The average net margin of 30-40 percent can be generated. As for the return of capital depending on the type of counter. "If the type of booth about nine months," he said. If others, such as counter island, can be up to eight months or more.

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