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Jumat, 20 April 2012

Aims Tax Lawyer

Directorate General (DG) Tax continues to pursue a profession based on individual taxpayers. This year, the hunt targeting professional consulting services, the tax consultant, lawyer or lawyers, and notaries.

Documents obtained KONTAN reveals plans to check compliance with the tax consulting profession is the third in paying taxes. Directorate General of Taxation will also examine the individual taxpayers who have a relationship with a company that is undergoing examination at the tax office.

Ruhaedi Smith, Director of Counseling, Services, and Public Relations Directorate General of Taxation, said the actual examination of the tax profession is an old plan is delayed. And, individual taxpayers who have large potential pay taxes should get more rigorous supervision. Moreover, taxpayers professionals who have unlimited alias-free income.

To that end, self-assessment system is not enough. Directorate General of Taxation should also synchronize the data written notification (SPT) reported tax tax consultants, lawyers, and notaries with data from third parties such as associations and professional organizations. "People who have a personal income tax-free deposit their own so we had to watch it well," said Dedi to KONTAN, Wednesday (04/18/2012).

At the outset, the tax office will check the data they receive from the tax return tax consultants, lawyers, and notaries. Armed with Government Regulation Number 31 Year 2012 on the granting and collection of Data and Information Relating to Taxation, Taxation Office will request the data to the professional associations and government agencies.

If you find data that do not match, the Directorate General of Taxation will provide an appeal to taxpayers to correct their tax return. "If there is no favorable response, we will check immediately," said Smith.

Members of the Association of Tax Consultants Indonesia Agus Susanto Lihin assess the tax measures that will comb through the tax consultant is right. However, he hoped DG Taxation no excuse to find fault and impose a greater tax burden to the tax consultant. So, "Do not let this plan be abused," he hoped.

Similar expectations also come from the Honorary Chairman of the Council of Indonesian Advocates Association (Peradi) Leonard Simorangkir. He asked the Directorate General of Taxation also examined other professions. He believes as long as this is an honest lawyer to report their income. "Even if there are bad lawyers, other professions can also do the same," said Leonard.

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