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Selasa, 17 April 2012

Profit Partnership delicious tasting Martabak

Martabak flavor is sweet and savory makes this snack is much sought after by many people. Not surprisingly, John Dean dared to offer a partnership outlets martabak Faridah de Paris.

John himself has been selling martabak since 1996. Previously, he has offered a similar partnership, the martabak Spectacular. Indeed, martabak Faridah de Paris is the latest development of John. He wants to target different markets. "Prices of consumer martabak selling cheaper, as well as the value of the investment package is also cheaper than martabak Spectacular," he said.

It offers a partnership martabak Faridah de Paris, with an investment of Rp 50 million, not including rent. With this investment, the partners will get the equipment for the production process, including the booth, brand Faridah de Paris, and training to make sweet and martabak martabak eggs.

However, if the partner was out of town, shipping costs must be borne by its own booth. "For now, we only accept franchisee from West Java, including Jakarta," said John.

In addition to the cost of shipping the booth, John extra charge for a survey and training of employees outside Bandung. For the cost of surveys outside London, is charged Rp 1 million.

The cost of training outside of London, John set a Rp 2 million. If the prospective partners want to have skilled workers, they can hire from the center at a cost of Rp 2.5 million for two weeks.

For the location of the business, John says, outlets do not have to be in the kiosk. Partners can hold a tent in the parking lot, the front parlor, pharmacy or other public facilities "So that could save the cost of rent," he said.

Faridah de Paris investment package is valid for ever. However, potential partners in the partnership must pay the renewal fee of Rp 2 million per year. Renewal fees paid by the partnership began in the second year. In addition, John also cites royalty fee of Rp 500,000 per month.

Low prices to excess Faridah de Paris. John membanderol selling price martabak Faridah de Paris began to Rp 20,000 per pan. These prices, says John, is cheaper than the sale price martabak street vendors. As a result, all buyers at any level would be able and happy to buy at Faridah de Paris.

In one day, John estimates, martabak Faridah de Paris was able to sell about 70 to 75 trays. With this much sales, partnerships martabak Faridah de Paris is able to reap a turnover of Rp 42 million to Rp 45 million per month.

With a turnover of that, according to calculations John, prospective partners can break even within four months. "Earnings of 75 trays per day is a very realistic assumption based on sales rather than earnings fantastic experience," said John.

Analysts franchise, Erwin Halim said, what was done by John is a market strategy. With the release of new products, John wanted to target different circles. The price is relatively skewed, martabak Farida de Paris would not be a competitor martabak Spectacular. "Like the Aqua and it's a factory Vit. In marketing okay and not competitors. Because different market segments and can reach all people," said Erwin.

Although not a competitor products before, according to Erwin, there should be standards set, such as the selection of the location where martabak Farida de Paris is not adjacent to martabak Spectacular.

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