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Senin, 16 April 2012

Receive Customs deposit Rp 36 Billion in 3 Months

Acceptance of the Directorate General (DG) Customs since January 2012 until today has been meencapai Rp 36.951 trillion. Customs claims that revenue exceeded the target set.

Director General of General Customs Customs Kuswandono said deposit was made from the proceeds of Rp 7.331 trillion in customs duties, excise tax revenue Rp 23.407 trillion, and the customs revenues Rp 6.213 trillion out.

"Quarter one is still on the track, beyond the target slightly," said Agung in the Ministry of Finance Building, Jalan Raya Wahidin, Jakarta, Monday (04/16/2012).

Excise revenue target of Rp 75.4 trillion this year, consisting of tobacco excise Rp 72.0 trillion, and excise MMEA and EA (alcohol) Rp 3.4 trillion. When compared with the revised budget target in 2011, target 2012 excise tax increase 10.8%, supported by an increase in tobacco excise of 11.2%.

Several factors are influencing the increase in excise tax revenue is (1) an increase in tobacco excise tariff in accordance with the road map of tobacco excise, (2) improvement of customs and excise administration, and (3) extra effort to reduce the circulation of goods subject to excise illegally.

Customs revenue target this year is estimated at Rp 23.7 trillion, including import duties paid by the government (DTP) Rp 1 trillion. This increase is due to the forecast increase in volume and value of imports as a result of increased international trade activity.

In 2012, customs revenues expected to reach Rp 19.2 out trillion or 24.5% lower when compared with the revised budget target of 2011.

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