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Senin, 16 April 2012

Do not Ignore Debt

A big businessman sitting nervously in the living room of a major director of state-owned bank. He was sitting 4 hours 30 minutes, but the president of the bank had not yet received it. In fact, he was accompanied by an influential state officials.

When the entrepreneur is already in the top of the anxiety, the president of the secretary came to pass that his boss was out of office because of a sudden called a minister. With unsteady step, the businessman returned to his office in Jalan Sudirman, Jakarta. Influential officials says he actually has to use his name as a shield, following "aspect of friendship" with the president of the. However, his efforts to help entrepreneurs that fail to get new credit.

State officials acknowledged that, in fact he was half-hearted help of the businessman. However, if eventually he does well, it's simply because of fatigue persuasion. Other factors, such businessmen during his elementary school. He frankly admitted he could understand why the president of it was to avoid meeting. First because the debt is big business in the state-owned bank had $ 1 trillion. If it still added the new debt would be extremely inconvenient. If the future legal issues arise, including the president of the investigator to be examined. Second, he wanted to remove his friend from the difficulty of simultaneously directing a businessman "who is right and straight".

This case is a case of "ordinary" and frequent. Many debtors trying to avoid paying debts, including tax evasion in full. There was an attempt to bribe officials, making the financial statements are not true, and so forth. For business travelers heretical groups, success does not pay taxes and debts is a great pride.

Instead, the entrepreneur class whites, pay the debt is part of the dignity, reputation, integrity, and maintain the health of the company. Not pay the debt and debt default just makes disgrace. The employer no longer feel manly in public. To the office, embarrassed to the staff. To the public, embarrassed to see friends. To the bank, fear and worry occur billed seizure of assets. Everything went awry.

Entrepreneurs who are willing to pay debts generally from the first generation and second generation maintained that moral good because it is still holding genuine spirit merchant: pay off debt with dignity. Not pay debt with no self esteem.

F. Widjaja, one of the big businessmen in the country, said the debt is one of the most important element in the culture business. Pay the debt, however difficult, must be done. If deemed necessary, sell all company assets to pay debts.

In business, said Widjaja, someone else will not be trusted pebisinis if reluctant to pay the debt or the like to open a blank check. In fact, we know, the reputation and integrity is set in stone in the business world. Besides, he added, why want to be a responsible businessman. Why have the heart to self-destruct. For, although "only" debt ngemplang two-three times, and loss of reputation. Reputation of the business to be destroyed. This is really an act that is inappropriate. The costs of dishonesty is too expensive and daunting.

Indonesia's leading developer, Ciputra, said the same thing. According to these entrepreneurs, pay off debt is a reflection of the high dignity and moral. So we play around with these moral matters, not only destroyed the good name, but also business partners are reluctant to relate to us. In the end, we will even isolated and marginalized.

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