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Senin, 16 April 2012

Make sure BNI U.S. Dollar Bond Issue

PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk certain to issue bonds denominated in U.S. dollars this year. Permission from Bank Indonesia has been published.

Director of BNI, Gatot Suwondo Mudiantoro, when asked by reporters to admit it. "Yes, permission from the BI already exists," said Billy in Jakarta, Monday (16/04/2012).

However, Billy refused to elaborate on his plan to issue bonds. Including, when asked about the realization of underwriters and bond offerings.

He argued, it should first be discussed with shareholders. The plan, BNI will hold a General Meeting of Shareholders on Wednesday (4/18/2012) the next day.

Previously disclosed that BNI plans to issue bonds amounting to 500 million to 1 billion U.S. dollars. Foreign currency funds from the bond offering will be used to improve the funding structure of BNI. Since quarter III-2011, BNI dit not give creditors new Forex because of limited foreign exchange to maintain liquidity.

Until the end of December 2011, approximately 84 percent of third-party funds BNI dollars and 16 percent of the rest of the exchange. Total third party funds amounting to Rp 231.29 trillion.

The loan to deposit ratio (LDR) foreign exchange in 2011 by 88 percent, up from 63 percent in 2010.

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