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Senin, 16 April 2012

Sure BRI Fuel Price Increase Not Affect Small Business

PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BBRI) rate hike subsidized fuel prices will not hit credit Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Therefore, the fuel component of BRI assess the operating costs of SMEs is not significant.

"Components of fuel in the SME sector is only about 10 percent, not significant. Unless the transportation business. But for the small and micro enterprises for almost minimal travel requirements," said BRI president Sofyan Basir, Thursday (03/29/2012).

Therefore, the BRI was not too worried about rising fuel prices could lead to bad loans in the SME sector. Based on the segment at the end of 2011, non-performing loan (NPL) BRI microfinance down from 1.21 percent in 2010 to 1.19 percent. In the same period, the same thing also appears on the NPL small commercial loans (small commercial), which fell from 5.11 percent to 4.53 percent.

However, in the middle credit category would increase from 6.9 percent in 2010 to 7.11 percent in 2011. When all three types of credit are averaged, the general decline in SME credit NPL of 4.4 percent in 2010 to 4.27 percent in 2011.

BRI claims that reduction is achieved because the system of early warning (early warning system / EWS) which was further strengthened. EWS is a system designed to identify and track record of ability to pay for the debtor to borrow at BRI.

Referring to last year's financial statements, micro credit, small and medium BRI amounted to Rp 90.19 trillion, Rp 67.57 trillion, and 13.84 trillion. Total all three types of loans reached Rp 171.6 trillion or an increase of 13.21 percent compared to the achievement at the end of 2010 amounted to Rp 151.57 trillion. "This year we optimisits SME credit growth could be above 20 percent," said Sofyan.

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