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Jumat, 20 April 2012

Port Infrastructure Construction 70 Percent Problem

Nearly 70 percent of coastal port infrastructure and buildings in Indonesia problematic, because the planning and design standards coastal construction. Akibatny, operational costs are very wasteful, unsustainable and easily damaged.

Though nearly 60 percent of cities in Indonesia are in coastal areas, said Head of Coastal Dynamics Assessment (BPDP), Rahman Hidayat, Thursday (19/04/2012). The number of port docks, buildings and coastal shore protection structures are not appropriate due to the design standards kontrusksi that do not adjust to local conditions and the coast of the limited design skills.

"Very few designers of buildings and infrastructure on the coast of Indonesia that equip themselves with knowledge about the condition of the beach morphology along with its properties," said Rahman. He hoped that similar things do not happen on airport development plans in the southern coastal province. Rahman suggested the government would conduct a study testing the physical and numerical models to anticipate the possibility of earthquake and tsunami. Because the southern coast of DIY including the threat of tsunami prone areas. In addition, the level of abrasion due to high waves are also very large and occur almost throughout the year.

"We hope the government would review the DIY plans to build the airport near the southern coast of Java. If you still run, I think we need an in-depth study of the physical conditions and contours of the southern islands of Java and I think needs to be built and tsunami protection breakwater," says Rhman.

While other researchers BPDP, Widjo chat, said the southern coast of Java is prone to earthquakes and tsunami threats. Although rare in southern Java earthquake because the relative age of a very old plate, which is 150 million years, compared to the Sumatran plate average of 60 million years old. "But in the southern Java tsunami was unique, but the slow earthquake can cause a large tsunami because of sediment deposition with a thickness of over 60 meters above the plate. In the event of dislocation of the impact of the tsunami plate three times larger than the area without sendimentasi," said Widjo chat.

RAPP Showcase Exhibition Measuring CO2 Emissions in Climate Change

Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (RAPP) following the '2 nd Indonesia Exhibition Climate Change, Education Forum, initiated and the National Council on Climate Change (DNPI).

Chairman Tony Wenas RAPP in a news release Friday said the exhibition is very useful to convey information to the public about the various facts and scientific evidence on climate change and its impacts, and to convey information about the achievement of the various parties in conducting mitigation and adaptation to climate change impacts.

At this exhibition, which displayed one of the RAPP is a Li-Cor 8100 which is a gauge of soil CO2 flux automatically. The tool can measure the CO2 emissions every 15 minutes and the data can be downloaded remotely via the GSM network. This tool is one of the most advanced CO2 emissions measurement tool available today.

In the discussion that was part of this exhibition, inviting experts RAPP land resources, Prof Muhajir Utomo, a member of the Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) for the implementation of eco-hydro by PT RAPP Kampar Peninsula.

He presents the results of MRV has been done during the last 1.5 years. MRV program was conducted to answer the concerns of some of the Kampar peat ecosystem damage and negative impacts on local communities.

"With the company's commitment to always apply the best practices (best practices) and the continuous improvement (continuous improvement), we are optimistic that the company is able to contribute to the preservation of peat in the Kampar Peninsula ecosystem and to improve the welfare of the community," said Tony Wenas.

In this exhibition, Balthasar Kambuaya Environment Minister, Chairman of the National Council on Climate Change (DNPI) Rachmat Witoelar accompanied by Chairman of Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (RAPP) Tony Wenas, Managing Director of RAPP Kusnan Rahmin RAPP opportunity to visit booths and listen to the explanation of a work Li-Cor 8100 which is a gauge of soil CO2 flux automatically by the researchers, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) Dr. Satyanto K Saptomo.

Oil prices drop

Oil prices fell in trading in New York, Thursday (19/04/2012) local time, following the U.S. Labor Department report that said filing applications for unemployment benefits and more-than-expected existing home sales fell.

Both of these are adding to worries the U.S. economic recovery will be long.

West Texas Intermediate oil price for delivery May shrank 40 cents to 102.27 dollars per barrel on the Nymex. It is the determination of the lowest price since 10 April 2012. Then, Brent oil for June dropped the determination of 3 cents to 118 dollars per barrel on the ICE Futures Europe exchange in London.

U.S. Labor Department announced, actual unemployment claims fell 2,000. But their total number is still there 386 000 claims last week.

Meanwhile, a Bloomberg survey estimates that only 370 000 claims. On the other hand, according to the National Association of Realtors, in Washington, home sales fell 2.6 percent. Based on the figures, the annual level dropped to 4.48 million from 4.6 million in February.

"Jobless claims combined residential rate is evidence that the economy is still having a little trouble," said Phil Flynn, Vice President for Research PFGBest, in Chicago, Thursday. "The economy continued to grow but very uneven," added Phil.

Job Seeker No Need to Take Paper

Job seekers who come to Compass Career Fair 2012, at Balai Kartini, Jakarta, 27-28 April 2012, no need to bring the proposal in the form of paper files. Simply by bringing the files in soft copy. Application file, such as curriculum vitae, will be uploaded into the system where the activities take place.

"So the job seeker to come, enter your CV into the system," said Project Manager Compass, Marine Novita, Wednesday (18/04/2012). Identification number that will be used later to apply for vacancies in each booth.

This condition is different from previous KKF using a barcode system. "When purchasing tickets, job seekers can enter the ID number for each booth," he added.

This year the KKF system does not work online or use the internet. System in the KKF, titled "Career Engagement" will be offline. "To minimize the internet down," he explained.

"In this event we use a system that we have designed themselves. HRD find any matching candidate or candidate. Bottom line with this system we can find a job," said Marine.

For information, KKF brings together around 200 companies in 2012. In addition to providing many job opportunities, KKF also deliver the kind of talk show that will last for two days.

There will be 12 Jedi who talked about his career. Do not miss the SOE Minister Dahlan Iskan and Career Coach Rene Suhardono will provide knowledge about careers.

A Toll Rates Go Up

A number of toll road tariffs will rise in 2012. Minister of Public Works has decided to hike toll road tariff. Kebon Jeruk toll-Penjaringan (Tol Jakarta Outer Ring W1) will even go up 10.17 percent on 24 April 2012 at 00.00.

"This toll rates should go up in February 2012. However, checks on January 26, 2012 found the toll is not yet meet the minimum service (MSS), "said the Toll Road Regulatory Agency Chief Gani Ahmad, Thursday (4/19/2012), the Ministry of Public Works (PU), Jakarta.

Once repaired, repeated checks on March 26, 2012 by the Center for Research and Development of the Ministry of Public Works Roads and Bridges. "When the SPM has been met, then the tariff is raised," said Gani.

Gani said that in 2012 there are four toll roads that charge would go up. Toll roads are toll-Simpang Surabaya Waru per May 31, 2012 and Sedyatmo Tol (Tol access Soekarno-Hatta) and Tol Jakarta-Cikampek per July 5, 2012.

Actually, the rate Kanci Toll-Pejagan scheduled ride per January 25, 2012. However, the toll was not yet meet the SPM, so it must be addressed first. Before SPM met, such as Toll-W1 Kebon Jeruk Penjaringan, the government would not grant the rate increase.

President Director of PT Baratsatu Ring Road (JLB) Faturrahman admit, there is a single lane road that does not mean because it is often crossed by trucks. "Our calculations, paving should be over in five years, but it was two years have been paved," he said.

Based on observations Compass, even though the same overpass to the toll road constructed Pluit-Priok-Cawang, toll quality Kebon Jeruk-Penjaringan worse. The road was bumpy though passing on the far right lane that is rarely crossed by trucks.

Indonesian Consumers Foundation Board Sincere Abadi said, consumers should be involved in setting the rate increase. "SPM's, right, the size of government. If the user tolls are not satisfied, how? What if the speed on the highway continues to fall. Government regulations should be changed about the rate increase, "said Sincere.

Network is disconnected

According Faturrahman, other than highway is often "broken" over-loaded trucks, as well as the daily traffic is not reached. "In the business plan, targets 65 000 vehicles per day, but its realization is only 51 000 vehicles. We also have nombok to return to banking, "he said.

W1 slipping revenue targets, said Faturrahman, because the toll network outages. In addition, the unfinished construction of Outer Ring Toll W2 from Ulujami to Kebon Jeruk. "Toll is still diawang the air," he said.

When the segment Toll W2 completed, residents in the south of Jakarta did not need to traverse the city center to the Soekarno-Hatta Airport.

According to Gani, daily traffic on the Toll-Pejagan Kanci also very little. "Maybe 9000 vehicles per day. No wonder if now they are discounting for Class III, IV, and V, "he said.

As Toll W1, which has not suffered terhubungkannya W2 Toll, Toll-Pejagan Kanci also waiting for the traffic flow from Cikampek Toll-Palimanan. Investment was aided by the involvement of the toll expressway operator Malaysia, PLUS Expressway.

Climate Change 2012 Education Exhibition Held at the JCC

Climate Change Education Exhibition (Indonesia Climate Change Education Forum & Expo) 2012 held in Jakarta from Thursday until 22 April at the Jakarta Convention Centre (JCC).

This activity was officially opened by the Chief Executive of the National Council on Climate Change, Rachmat Witoelar, who is also a Presidential Special Envoy for Climate Change Control, Assembly Hall Thursday at JCC.

Through a press release of the National Council on Climate Change (DNPI), exhibition and forum of climate change targeting 50,000 visitors this year and attended by over 175 participants representing government ministries and agencies, state enterprises, private companies, nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, donor agencies, government provinces, districts and cities, climate change and community print and electronic media.

"The exhibition and educational forums such as this should be supported and given the widest possible space for the dissemination of information and the impact of climate change solutions," said Rachmat Witoelar. Exhibition on the theme "Response to Climate Change" was intended to provoke a response from various circles to take part in finding solutions to climate change.

"Not only the key decision-makers who have a responsibility to the impacts of climate change but business and industry that has played a part in the economic sector should be able to walk in harmony in order to achieve a solution," said Agus Purnomo, head of the Secretariat of DNPI which is also the President of the Special Staff of the Climate Change Sector .

The high enthusiasm of the exhibitors to present the educational message of climate change visible through the dense series of supporting activities such as seminars, interactive dialogues, book, demo and green lifestyle.

"Around 5000 students will attend this exhibition. By invite the involvement of The Climate Project Reality Indonesia as in years past, the greater our hope that the aspirations of the community of children and youth who actively voiced concern over climate change will be channeled, one of them through the Children and Youth Forum on Climate Change.

The exhibition also invites the public to attend a movie screening of climate change. "Said Amanda Katili Niode as the Coordinator of the Division of Communication, Information, and Education on Climate Change. Amanda adds, lack of information on climate change can be understood by the general public is a challenge that must be addressed by all parties .

The results obtained from the 2nd Indonesia Climate Change Education Forum & Expo will be an important input to the multidisciplinary study of climate change solutions are implemented by the stakeholders.

Welcome Kartini, Teller Roving Jewel Berkebaya in Cars

Welcoming the Kartini Day which is celebrated each April 21, teller PermataBank berkebaya while serving customers at the service branch (mobile branch) in Jakarta, Friday (20/04/2012).

Look different than usual these days attract people passing around the car.

In this mobile branch service customers can transact as usual as in the branch office does not move.

PermataBank currently has 10 branches moving services in several cities such as Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, and Denpasar. do the best ~ ~

National Consumer Day Need Government Support

National Consumer Protection Agency (BPKN) expect the government to support the launching of the National Consumer Day (HKN). One form of support is expected to pour HKN in the form of a Presidential Decree.

Chairman of the National Consumer Protection Agency (BPKN), Tini Hadad, said BPKN has sent a letter to the President on February 8, 2012 and to request that the HKN be contained in a decree. "Until now, it's still not so sure it is signed by the President," said Tini, in Jakarta, Thursday (04/19/2012).

Two days ago, he explained, the draft decree has been initialed by the Minister of Trade Gita Wirjawan and Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare Agung Laksono. However, the decree has not come out even, launching HKN can still be done.

He also said, BPKN need the presence of a number of relevant government officials, as of the Coordinating Ministry for People's Welfare. So far, he said, the new officials of the Ministry of Commerce, the Vice Minister of Commerce, which gave a positive response to HKN is planned to be launched on April 20, tomorrow.

"There has been no response from the relevant government agencies regarding HKN. Unless the Ministry of Commerce is very concerned because of the intensification of supervision of the stuff done in the ministry," added the Commission Communication and Education Coordinator BPKN, Srie Agustina.

No Fuel Up, Inflation Unattended 5 Percent

The government has tried to curb inflation in 2012 as the cancellation of plans to raise the price of fuel oil (BBM) subsidy in April 2012. In the Budget 2012 changes, the inflation rate reached 6.8 percent pegged.

"Fuel is up. So inflation should be in the range of 5 percent," said Coordinating Minister Hatta Rajasa told reporters in the courtyard the State Palace, Jakarta, Thursday (19/04/2012).

In addition, continued Hatta, the government will also seek to economy grew by 6.5 percent in 2012. The government is also trying to keep budget deficits below the 3 per cent.

Looking ahead, continued Hatta, the government will restructure the state budget posture. There are a number of posts that will change. At present, the discussion at the cabinet level is still underway.

Related to inflation, such as news Compass, Head of the Department of Economic Research and Monetary Policy Bank Indonesia, Perry Warjiyo, states, limiting the impact of subsidized fuel consumption based on engine capacity is planned to begin in July 2012 a small effect on inflation.

"If the government took limiting consumption of subsidized fuel for private cars in the Java-Bali for certain cc engine capacity up we expect the impact of inflation is not too big," said Perry in a discussion with reporters, the Office of Bank Indonesia, Jakarta, Tuesday (17 / 4/2012).

Perry explained, when the government imposed restrictions on subsidized fuel for private cars around there will be a surcharge of 0.7 percent against the rate of inflation. Meanwhile, if the government simply impose restrictions for private cars with engine capacity of the particular impact on inflation is much lower.

"We estimate the additional impact of inflation of 0.3 percent," added Perry.

With restrictions on subsidized fuel, he said, inflation could reach about 4.7 percent by the end of the year. "If that is done only restrictions for private cars is 6.4 percent economic growth can still be achieved with a 4.4 percent inflation plus 0.3 per cent," said Perry BI-related predictions until the end of 2012.

The government will make use of subsidized fuel restrictions are scheduled for July 2012. This plan will be conducted in the Greater Jakarta area.

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Oil and Gas Director General Evita Legowo in Jakarta, Monday (4/16/2012), said the restrictions had been started in May 2012. But it is a vehicle specifically for government agencies both national and local, state and local enterprises in the Java-Bali region.

"After that, there are 60 days prior to the enforcement to the community in the Greater Jakarta area and then gradually in the Java-Bali according to the availability of its Pertamax," Evita said.

Government Prepares Fish Port Connector

Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries set up a liaison between the fishing port and production center at this year's market centers. It was an effort to encourage the industrialization of fisheries.

This statement was made Director General of Processing and Marketing of Fisheries Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Saut Hutagalung in Jakarta, Thursday (04/19/2012).

Saut points out, for the initial stage, the main connecting port is planned to be placed in two production centers, such as Ambon. The rest is being studied in Sorong, West Papua; Ternate, North Maluku, and Bungus, West Sumatra.

Liaison at the production center of the port will be enabled to accommodate fish from fishing centers in anticipation of shortages of raw materials in a bad season the fish. From the port, then the fish is sent to the port connector in the center of the market.

As for the connecting port on the market centers are planned in Surabaya, East Java, and Bitung in North Sulawesi. Market centers that will collect the fish from the central liaison deployed to production for processing business.

"At least the main interface port was built in 2013," he said.

At each port will be built connecting 20000-30000 ton capacity cold storage.

Still Marginal Fishermen fate Andon

Fisheries supervisors, Directorate General of Marine Resources and Fisheries off six fishing vessels from Heilbron, Central Java, having previously been arrested for fishing outside the permitted area.
It makes no sense, but it happens. Our fishermen caught in our own country for violating boundaries, while fishermen from Malaysia who enter our waters should not be arrested.
- Syahrin Abdurrahman

They were released after a fraudulent money amounting to Rp 90 million by unscrupulous officers on behalf of Maritime Security Coordinating Board (Bakorkamla) as well as local marine and fisheries agencies.

The number of the crew who were freed as many as 88 people, who are fishermen or fishermen andon move.

It is the sixth ship KM Excellence Arta Mina, Mina Barokah Arta KM, 02 KM Resources Rezeki son, Arta Mina Rezeki KM, KM Sido Mulyo 2, and KM Sanjaya Era. The sixth ship was arrested on 8 April 2012 in a joint operation under the coordination Bakorkamla.

Director General of Marine Resources and Fisheries (PSDKP) Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Syahrin Abdurrahman in Jakarta, Thursday (19/04/2012), andon the fishermen expressed concern that a victim of a group of people who are not responsible.

Bermodus fraud who claimed to head the Department of Marine and Fisheries of East Kalimantan Mulyana Iwan, who contacted the board fishers with a phone number 08,111,876,754. Person asked for Rp 90 million money transfers to be submitted to the Task Force Commander Bakorkamla Region II A Lubis and Head of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Iwan Mulyana.

"We're investigating this fraud case. However, it was hard to return the money of Rp 90 million," said Syahrin.

Syahrin argues, fraud cases on behalf of officials or official has happened several times. Latter case, the person on behalf of the Director-General PSDKP fraud amounting to Rp 150 million.

He added, andon the fishermen should have equal opportunities to catch fish in the waters of Indonesia. However, the cause of regional autonomy based territorial waters often dikapling districts and provinces to permit fishing in the waters of the local agency.

Fishing vessels andon Juwana origin, he said, a permit to fish in the north of Java, but the boundary coordinates of the point of arrest are not included. As a result, fishermen caught andon potentially in other regions.

"It's absurd, but it happens. Fishermen us in our own country were arrested for violating the border, while fishermen from Malaysia who enter our waters should not be arrested," he said.

Three state-owned Hand Production "Solar Cell"

Deputy Ministry for Infrastructure and Logistics Enterprises, Sumaryanto Widayatin, say, three State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) will form a joint venture to produce solar cell.

He also hopes eventually to the production of the three state-owned enterprises not only meet the local market but also exported. "Solar cells are the primary energy future that will continue due to be given free of charge from the Lord. Why not get started. What we began to assemble only 10 percent of it," explained Sumaryanto, in Jakarta, Thursday (19/04/2012).

He said Indonesia could produce the solar cell due to its raw materials, namely quartz sand, which are abundant. Indonesia has called quartz sand up to 75 billion tons.

"So in the future we must dare to invest it and we have to export the solar cell," he stated.

To produce the solar cell, Sumaryanto necessary to mention the three state-owned joint venture. Three state-owned enterprises are the PLN, Wijaya Karya (Wika), and Jasa Marga.

"If most (SOEs) later trouble. Well 3 was used," he said.

Right now, he said, Wika is still in the stage of assembling the solar cells purchased from outside. In other words, Wika just enjoy the 10 percent value added in the downstream.

Therefore, Indonesia needs to independently produce its own solar cell. It takes an investment of 30 million U.S. dollars to produce products that can generate 10 megawatts of electricity this.

"We want our own, independent if we export the solar cell. For what? We've got a lot of quartz 75 billion tonnes," added Sumaryanto.

Malaysian fishermen who could not Violate Territory Arrested

Indonesia patrol officers may no longer capture the Malaysian fishermen who violate the territory and into the territorial waters of Indonesia. That's because there is no clear boundary between the waters of both countries, both eastern border, middle, and west.
If by chance spotted the officers, fishermen Malaysia definitely sent home to his country. But, what about the fishermen are not out patrolling Malaysia and dredge the fish in our waters?

Based on the Indonesia-Malaysia memorandum of understanding regarding the handling of the Fisherman by the General Guidelines for Law Enforcement Agency Malaysia and Indonesia on January 27, 2012, both countries agreed not to will catch fishermen who enter the territory of another country's borders. Penalties for violations of fishing territory boundaries quite expelled.

According to the Director General of Marine Resources and Fisheries Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Syahrin Abdurahman, the provision was actually detrimental to Indonesia.

That's because most fishermen who go into the waters of Malaysia Indonesia using harmful fishing gear types trawling (trawling) which dredge fishery resources and damaging coral reefs.

"If by chance spotted the officers, fishermen Malaysia definitely sent home to his country. But, what about the Malaysian fishermen are not out patrolling and dredge the fish in our waters?" Syahrin said in a press conference in Jakarta, Thursday (04/19/2012).

According Syahrin, according to the search in some waters, such as the Tanjung Pinang, Batam and Belawan, Malaysia fishermen often go into the waters of Indonesia. Currently there are 300 fishing boats from Vietnam and Thailand in Kuching, looking for fish in the waters of Malaysia until close to the border with Indonesia.

This condition is quite ironic associated with the capture of 88 fishermen of Juwana, Central Java, a patrol officer arrested on 8 April 2012 for violating the boundary region when caught entering the territorial waters of East Kalimantan.

Some 88 fishermen who use the six ships were eventually released on 19 April 2012 after experiencing fraud money of Rp 90 million on behalf of workers by unscrupulous Bakorkamla and local agencies and marine fisheries.

Mega Capital Sells Interest Retail Rp 248.9 Billion

PT Mega Capital Indonesia is one of 24 realtors agents designated the Ministry of Finance, the issuance of Sukuk Retail SR004.

Of issuance of the Sukuk Mega Capital, a subsidiary of CT Corporation, sold Retail Sukuk amounting to Rp 248.9 billion SR004 from total sales of Rp 13.6 trillion of government.

This is expressed by the President Director of PT Mega Capital Indonesia, Nani Susilowati, the donation ceremony Nation Child Care Education Government Retail Sales Sukuk SR004 PT Mega Capital Indonesia, the Chairul Foundation (CTF) in Jakarta, Thursday (04/19/2012).

In the event that the Director of Finance attended the Ministry of Finance Sharia Dahlan Siamat, Chairman Mrs. Anita Chairul CTF, and former Minister Yusuf Anwar also noted that financial Commissioner of Mega Capital Indonesia.

Government Retail Bond Interest is based on sharia is a safe investment instruments, as issued by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.

According to Dahlan, in the marketing of Retail State Sukuk SR004, the government has declared the theme of Education Child Care for the Nation, which is associated with a program of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of the selling agent.

Retail Sukuk issuance has been done in the last three years, and be limited but positive response from the community.

Dalaim regard, said Nani Susilowati, Mega Capital has set aside a fund of Rp 100 million for the development of English in CTF laboratory located in Medan, North Sumatra. The funding is part of Mega Capital income earned from the sale of Sukuk, to help the world of education.

Sukuk investors are not only meant for Muslims only, but also can be used as an investment instrument for the wider community. As an instrument of investment, the returns on the Sukuk is very attractive when compared to similar instruments.

"This is evident in which each State Retail Sukuk issuance is always excess demand," said Nani.

Mega Capital, said Nani, not just this time to CSR program but already several times to various social activities, in the form of aid to orphanages, nursing homes, and orphanages around the neighborhood and branch offices throughout the Mega Capital Indonesia.

While donations are tied to sales and Retail Sukuk State Government Retail Bonds are donated to the Sri Biodiversity Foundation, the sale of Government Retail Bonds ORI007 and donations to the Red Cross Indonesia (PMI) on SR002 Retail State Sukuk sales.

Chairul Anita thank you for the donation, and it will be directly used for the construction of English Language Laboratory.

CTF is the foundation engaged in education that aims to create a superior child. Those in the CTF are the children of victims of the tsunami disaster in 2004 which ruled dibawag House Children Madani (RAM).

There is also seeded the high school held a special CTF for children from poor families but have good academic achievement.

Toll Rates Discounts May Only Given

Toll Road Regulatory Agency toll freeing each operator to provide discounted toll rates. If it is necessary for the promotion or anything else.

"The issue of discount rates is not regulated by the government. Go ahead decision was taken by the operator," said Chief Gani Ahmad BPJT, Thursday (04/19/2012) in Jakarta.

Gani answer questions about the discount Jasa Marga is now set at 10 percent for the use of electronic cards. In Toll-Pejagan Kanci, toll operator PT Bakrie Toll also give discounts to users of the road from Class III to V.

"Discount, to attract users a way to pass the toll road," he said. President Director of the Western Ring Road Faturrahman complain, there are times when the target is not reached by the traffic because there is even a new artery or development of new highways.

Picture warnings Cigarettes 40 Percent

The ministers agreed to pictorial and written warnings about the dangers of smoking to 40 percent of the cigarette packs on each side. Transition time application of this rule is one year to two years since its enactment.
Tobacco farmers need not worry because this rule still protect their existence.
- Agung Laksono

Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare Agung Laksono after the Cross-Sector Coordination Meeting on the Draft Ministerial Regulation (RPP) on Protection addictive substances Substances Containing Form of Tobacco Products for the Health in Jakarta, Thursday (04/19/2012), says that this rule is to protect hazard posed by cigarettes, not smoking bans.

"Tobacco Farmers do not need to worry because these rules are still protecting their existence," he said.

This coordination is present in the meeting, among others, Coordinating Minister Hatta Rajasa and Deputy Minister of Health Ali Ghufron Mukti.

With this provision, each tobacco company must include picture warnings on every pack of cigarette smoking at least 40 percent of the cigarette packs on each side. Rules Indonesia is lagging behind compared to other countries because they already include pictorial warnings by 70 percent since a long time. In fact, some countries already require plain cigarette packs.

However, there is no clarity when the regulations will be established. RPP on Safety Materials Containing Tobacco Products form of addictive substances is brewing for the Health and antarkementerian since 2010 and is the mandate of Law Number 36 Year 2009 Health on Health.

Dahlan: Change of Directors Pertamina was a sudden

Minister for State Owned Enterprises Dahlan Iskan asserted, the reform of the directors of PT Pertamina (Persero) is not made ​​suddenly. The reform process lasted for two months.

Only, Dahlan says, he wanted to avoid the uproar in the media. "Now the process is not excited. It's necessary because, if a scene over time, directors of state enterprises will not work," said Dahlan told reporters at the Presidential Office, Jakarta, Thursday (04/19/2012).

Dahlan, through Decree No. SK-186/MBU/2012 on Termination and Appointment of Members of Board of Directors of the Company (Limited) PT Pertamina, raised five new directors.

They are Chrisna Damayanto as Director of Processing, Hanung Budya Yuktyanta as Director of Marketing and Commerce, Evita Maryanti Tagor as HR Director, Budi Luhur Djatmiko as Director General and the Director of Gas Karyuliarto Day. The director of the gas is a new position.

Background-related reforms, Dahlan said he wanted to form a "dream team" in every state. This concept was proposed Dahlan in the cabinet meeting led by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

"'Dream Team' bottom line, how to advance state-owned enterprises. SOE will not go forward if the directors do not compact. It could be a smart individual directors, but not necessarily suitable for a strong team," said Dahlan.

Meanwhile, the four directors who remain as is Managing Director Karen Agustiawan, Director of Investment and Risk Management of M Afdal Bahaudin, Director of Upstream M Husen, and Finance Director Andrew T Hidayat.

Cigarette Ads Up 72 Square Meters

In addition about the pictorial warnings on cigarette, Cross-Sector Coordination Meeting on the Draft Ministerial Regulation (RPP) on Protection addictive substances Substances Containing Form of Tobacco Products for the Health also agreed on the size of tobacco advertising in outdoor media by 72 square meters.
RPP does not prohibit the planting of tobacco, cigarette manufacturing, selling cigarettes, or smoking.

"Promotion or advertising of cigarettes is not prohibited, but regulated," said Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare Agung Laksono after a coordination meeting at the Ministry of Health, Jakarta, Thursday (19/04/2012).

Besides size, the rules of tobacco advertising ban in the RPP also demonstrate, use, and cigarette form or appearance. Ads also may not include the name of the product in question is smoking, do not stimulate or encourage people to smoke, and is not intended for children, adolescents, or pregnant women.

"RPP is to control the cigarette so that the loss is not extensive. RPP does not prohibit the planting of tobacco, cigarette manufacturing, selling cigarettes, or smoke," added Deputy Minister of Health Ali Ghufron Mukti.

RPP is a mandate of Law Number 36 Year 2009 Health on Health. The government says this RPP will be legalized, but not certain time.

20 April was declared National Consumer Days

National Consumer Protection Agency (BPKN) will be launched on 20 April as National Consumer Day (HKN). With the HKN, is expected to be a milestone in which consumers move together.

"We have set 20 April as a day of national consumer," said Chairman of the National Consumer Protection Agency (BPKN), Tini Hadad, in a media gathering in Jakarta, Thursday (04/19/2012).

Tini saw HKN is required even if the consumer protection law has been around since 1999. This is to increase protection for consumers. "Although the existing consumer protection laws is still weak," he added.

BPKN view to consumer protection is still not up to date. For example, he explained, there is still a product whose quality is below standards set by the Government of Indonesia National Standard.

In addition, there is the discovery of the use of supplemental materials that are not allowed in a product. "We own BPKN see though the Act has been pretty much and pretty, but we see the control of the government is still lacking or still needs to be improved," said Tini.

HKN therefore needed a momentum that consumers can move in together and be more aware of their rights.

Consumers can do a boycott of manufacturers who have created products that harm consumers. "In our (boycott) has not occurred. With consumer awareness does not yet exist," he continued.

So, he hoped the introduction of HKN so consumers can more intelligently and to be critical. "Whereas the 20th of April consumer awareness of their rights or their intelligence will grow by being more critical," said Tini.

Buy Premium Luxury Car Transfer Issues?

Member of the House of Representatives Commission VII, Satya Widya Yudha, requested the Government to anticipate problems hoarding fuel oil (BBM) subsidy. He also asked the government does not cover this issue with the issue of stockpiling of luxury vehicles migration of non-subsidized fuel consumption to a subsidy if it is not able to finish it.

Satya put it when asked restrictions related to the plan by the government subsidized fuel consumption in order to maintain the quota of subsidized fuel by 40 million kilo liters, which has been assigned to the 2012 Budget Amendment. "The Government must anticipate problems subsidized fuel hoarding," said Satya to, Thursday (04/19/2012).

Hoarding, he said, became one of the things that must be the Government in maintaining the quota of subsidized fuel. If the Government is not able to solve or anticipate problems and then do accumulation of government can not divert it to other issues.

Satya asserted, government should not shift the issue to the issue of migration accumulation of luxury cars consume fuel subsidy to non-subsidized. Because, he believes, luxury cars actually lose if using subsidized fuel. Maintenance costs can be more expensive cars. "Car buying premium Alphard is not possible," he stated.

"So do not let the issue of migration is just the ways the government to cover the issue of illegal trafficking," added Satya.

Pertamina Announced New Board of Directors

Minister for State Owned Enterprises Dahlan Iskan as shareholder of PT Pertamina (Persero) decided to overhaul the company's board of directors.

"Through this decree, the Minister Dahlan Iskan SOEs as shareholder Pertamina raised the new directors, namely the Director of Processing Chrisna Damayanto Setianto replace Eddie," said Vice President of Corporate Communications PT Pertamina Mochamad Harun, Wednesday (04/18/2012), in Jakarta.

Furthermore, Hanung Budya Yuktyanta as Director of Marketing and Trading replace Djaelani Sutomo. As for Evita Maryanti Tagor to replace the Human Resources Director Rukmi Hadi Hartini. While Noble Djatmiko as Director General Budi Waluyo and replace Karyuliarto Day as Director of Gas.

Chrisna previously served as Deputy Director of Field Operations Processing Refinery, while Hanung Budya Yuktyanto previously as President Director of PT Badak NGL.

Evita Maryanto Tagor is the President Director of PT Tugu Pratama Indonesia and Budi Luhur Djatmiko is Head of Internal Supervision. Meanwhile, Hari Karyuliarto previously served as Corporate Secretary of Pertamina.

Other board members are President Director Karen Agustiawan, Director of Investment and Risk Management M Afdal Bahaudin, Director of Upstream M Husen, and Finance Director Andrew T Hidayat.

Stacking the U.S. supply, Oil Prices Fall

Crude oil prices dropped sharply in the past two weeks because, according to U.S. Department of Energy, crude oil inventories in the country exceeds the expected. It is also related to the refining operation is not optimal.

The price of West Texas Intermediate crude oil for delivery May shrank 1.53 dollars to 102.67 dollars per barrel on the Nymex on Wednesday (4/18/2012) New York time. Meanwhile, crude oil futures have fallen 6.5 percent since the price is 109.77 dollars on February 24, 2012 which is the highest price since May 2011.

Meanwhile, Brent crude oil for determination of June also fell 81 cents, or 0.7 percent, to 117.97 dollars per barrel on the ICE Futures Europe exchange in London. "It's another week where there is fighting a big number," said John Kilduff, a partner at Again Capital LLC, New York, on Wednesday.

The fall in oil prices due to the U.S. Energy Department reported that U.S. crude oil inventories rose 3.86 million barrels in the week that ended on 13 April 2012. Though only a Bloomberg survey expect inventories rise by 1.8 million barrels.

With the surge is the rise in U.S. crude inventories had reached 369 million barrels. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, this is the largest number since the week ended May 27, 2011.

This increase in inventories due to refineries operating below 85 percent capacity for the second week. "The industry continues to work on refining the sub-optimal level and crude oil will surely accumulate if they do not cultivate it," added John.

Before the U.S. inventory report, crude oil inventories in the 34 countries that joined the industry in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) also increased. According to the International Energy Agency on Thursday (4/12/2012), oil supplies in these countries rose 1.8 percent to 936.2 million barrels in February from January.

Dahlan Iskan KKF Sharing Experiences in 2012

Compass Career Fair (KKF) in 2012 will be held at the Balai Kartini, Jakarta, 27-28 April 2012. This event not only brings career opportunities, but job seekers can also hear stories about the careers of a number of "Jedi" or young, successful professional career in their respective fields ..

KKF 2012 is scheduled to deliver 12 Jedi. One of them, Melissa Rizke Amrop Director who will talk about the "Aiming and getting the right job for me in unusual way".

Then there's Elsa Christine, People Development Head Micro Banking Danamon, who will speak about "dealing with office politics and managing your boss". Finance Director Steve Kosasih Perhutanioffice did not miss to give knowledge about the transformation of self-knowledge, "now or never".

They are three of the Jedi 12 people who will attend the sessions in the middle of the talk show KKF 2012 event titled "Career Engagement" for two days.

The committee will also present the Minister of State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Dahlan Iskan and Career Coach Rene Suhardono. Both also will share their experiences or tips about a career.

"They'll tell you a career, life experiences to further motivate the job seeker friends," said Project Manager Compass, Marine Novita, to, Wednesday (18/04/2012).

He said that Dahlan was chosen because it was considered quite unusual in a career. "Dahlan is quite special because he's against the flow," added Marine.

Therefore, do not miss this year KKF. Make KKF as a cupid who will mempertemukanmu with the best companies. Get your early bird ticket for Rp 10,000 in Scholastic Book Store Jabodetabek.

Dahlan Iskan KKF Sharing Experiences in 2012

Compass Career Fair (KKF) in 2012 will be held at the Balai Kartini, Jakarta, 27-28 April 2012. This event not only brings career opportunities, but job seekers can also hear stories about the careers of a number of "Jedi" or young, successful professional career in their respective fields ..

KKF 2012 is scheduled to deliver 12 Jedi. One of them, Melissa Rizke Amrop Director who will talk about the "Aiming and getting the right job for me in unusual way".

Then there's Elsa Christine, People Development Head Micro Banking Danamon, who will speak about "dealing with office politics and managing your boss". Finance Director Steve Kosasih Perhutanioffice did not miss to give knowledge about the transformation of self-knowledge, "now or never".

They are three of the Jedi 12 people who will attend the sessions in the middle of the talk show KKF 2012 event titled "Career Engagement" for two days.

The committee will also present the Minister of State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Dahlan Iskan and Career Coach Rene Suhardono. Both also will share their experiences or tips about a career.

"They'll tell you a career, life experiences to further motivate the job seeker friends," said Project Manager Compass, Marine Novita, to, Wednesday (18/04/2012).

He said that Dahlan was chosen because it was considered quite unusual in a career. "Dahlan is quite special because he's against the flow," added Marine.

Therefore, do not miss this year KKF. Make KKF as a cupid who will mempertemukanmu with the best companies. Get your early bird ticket for Rp 10,000 in Scholastic Book Store Jabodetabek.

The dream of Manufacturers

If you want to become a great nation and participate in the competitive world, the Indonesian people would not want to develop domestic production. Reflecting the ideals of Sumitro Djojohadikusumo and Widjojo Nitisastro, it means realizing the producer entity.

Great hope was revealed in the show 40 Days Remembering the Death of Widjojo Nitisastro at the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia, Depok, West Java, on Wednesday (18/04/2012). On that occasion, the name of Sumitro Djojohadikusumo officially designated as the name of the UI campus and the name Widjojo Nitisastro Salemba as the name of the UI Depok Campus.

Former President BJ Habibie called Sumitro-Widjojo is the favorite characters in terms of the economic base of this nation-building. He said the nation must be as fast as possible to have domestic production. It also will be able to show that Indonesia as a nation of producers rather than consumers. He pointed to what he called the aerospace industry can be better than overseas. "It's a fact. It is unfortunate that the industry is not utilized, it is stopped. However, I am sure future generations can continue it, "Habibie said.

Head of Institute for Economic and Community (LPEM) TM UI Zakir Mahmud said Widjojo as a reliable manager with a high intellect. "She offered an economic analysis of development in inaugural speech in the 1960's, but at that time a lot of people talk about politics. Social infrastructure also discusses some of the time, form and Instruction KB as a breakthrough, "said Zakir as he took the present and next generations to interpret the notion Widjojo in the present context.

When the lead FEUI years 1964-1968, Widjojo founded the Laboratory Institute of Demography and Statistics. Demographic Institute is the first population research institute Indonesia.

Widjojo career begins with an already established support Sumitro LPEM FEUI 1953. Sumitro UI development is also laying the groundwork by sending the best students to go abroad. When they returned, they serve and transfer their knowledge.

Prabowo Subianto Sumitro present as the representative stated, the life of his father's love of red have a certain type of thread to the country and the people of Indonesia. "All he talks is how to bring the nation to a prosperous Indonesia, out of poverty. It is characteristic of red yarn Force 45, as the armed liberators who dedicated their lives for this country, "said Prabowo, who is also Chairman of Gerindra.

While the daughter Widjojo, Widjaja Laksmi Kusumaningsih, referring to the state economist Chatib Basri Widjojo like Swiss watches, beats stop when he died. According to him, the challenge to provide the next generation "battery" in order to tap new "watch" it back to life.

Aims Tax Lawyer

Directorate General (DG) Tax continues to pursue a profession based on individual taxpayers. This year, the hunt targeting professional consulting services, the tax consultant, lawyer or lawyers, and notaries.

Documents obtained KONTAN reveals plans to check compliance with the tax consulting profession is the third in paying taxes. Directorate General of Taxation will also examine the individual taxpayers who have a relationship with a company that is undergoing examination at the tax office.

Ruhaedi Smith, Director of Counseling, Services, and Public Relations Directorate General of Taxation, said the actual examination of the tax profession is an old plan is delayed. And, individual taxpayers who have large potential pay taxes should get more rigorous supervision. Moreover, taxpayers professionals who have unlimited alias-free income.

To that end, self-assessment system is not enough. Directorate General of Taxation should also synchronize the data written notification (SPT) reported tax tax consultants, lawyers, and notaries with data from third parties such as associations and professional organizations. "People who have a personal income tax-free deposit their own so we had to watch it well," said Dedi to KONTAN, Wednesday (04/18/2012).

At the outset, the tax office will check the data they receive from the tax return tax consultants, lawyers, and notaries. Armed with Government Regulation Number 31 Year 2012 on the granting and collection of Data and Information Relating to Taxation, Taxation Office will request the data to the professional associations and government agencies.

If you find data that do not match, the Directorate General of Taxation will provide an appeal to taxpayers to correct their tax return. "If there is no favorable response, we will check immediately," said Smith.

Members of the Association of Tax Consultants Indonesia Agus Susanto Lihin assess the tax measures that will comb through the tax consultant is right. However, he hoped DG Taxation no excuse to find fault and impose a greater tax burden to the tax consultant. So, "Do not let this plan be abused," he hoped.

Similar expectations also come from the Honorary Chairman of the Council of Indonesian Advocates Association (Peradi) Leonard Simorangkir. He asked the Directorate General of Taxation also examined other professions. He believes as long as this is an honest lawyer to report their income. "Even if there are bad lawyers, other professions can also do the same," said Leonard.

Concern about state-owned, multi-Equivalent Dahlan Merchants Meatballs

SOE Minister Dahlan Iskan expressed concern there is the equivalent of state-owned, multi-ball merchants, and promised to liquidate state-owned enterprises that have no business prospects and continue to suffer losses.

"Enterprises that have a very small-scale enterprises should be liquidated. There SOE turnover equal to or even smaller merchants meatballs in Block S. This is concerning that we should find a way to find a solution," Dahlan said after speaking at a discussion titled "The Increasing Value Add, Support for SOE performance Towards World Class Company "at the House of Antam, Jakarta, Wednesday (18/04/2012) yesterday.

State-owned company established in accordance with his duty, among others, to contribute to the budget and provide services to the public and keperintisan. But if tomorrow would burden the state companies should be closed.

In front of about 200 directors and commissioners of state, Dahlan said the management of SOEs to be realistic not only make the company survive, but also be able to stand alone without an injection of funds from the government and be able to compete with similar private companies.

Dahlan's remarks will liquidate the small state, said an official of PT Energy Management Indonesia (Persero) who questioned the plan for restructuring state-owned energy. Involving the restructuring of state-owned energy company PT PLN, PT Pertamina, PT PGN Tbk (PGN) and including the PT Energy Management Indonesia (EMI) is expected to create enterprise efficiency and energy targets set by the government can be achieved.

Dahlan said in addition to EMI are also many companies that are no longer strategic to run the government, such as Perum PPD, Perum Damri. "Cook a minister must deal with such a small company? In addition to issues of loss, these companies can no longer compete so that the management should be transferred to another party," he said.

For that expressed a former Managing Director of PT PLN, the Ministry is working on a rescue scenario Perum PPD and Damri through a merger, being acquired PT Indonesia Railway or even liquidated. "Cases like this should be resolved, and should not be dependent for longer," he said.

DPR: Gasoline Private Cars must be rationed Per Day

Member of the House of Representatives Commission VII, Satya Widya Yudha, proposed that the government pegged the consumption of fuel oil (BBM) subsidy to each private car per day. One way is to use the controller card. "It has to be rationed private cars per vehicle per day," said Satya when contacted, Thursday (19/04/2012).

According to Satya, rationing of subsidized gasoline consumption per car per day is important for the success of the government's plan to save the consumption of subsidized fuel. Understandably this year, according to the 2012 Budget Amendment, rations of subsidized fuel consumption is only 40 million kiloliters.

He welcomed the government's plan to limit fuel consumption according to engine capacity (cc). However, he said that by limiting the capacity of the vehicle or engine is not enough because it could increase the consumer or the tank car. "Cc is true, in the car right, but the tank is enlarged," he added.

That way, he said, need the system to ration subsidized fuel consumption for each individual car. One is the controller card. "If the quota has been exhausted, the public can purchase premium or pertamax economical price," he explained.

Restrictions related to the consumption of subsidized fuel, the Satya also reminded the government still needs to consult with Parliament, especially with regard to how the government's strategy to maintain the quota of 40 million kiloliters this year. "Strategies such as what to do with the government that does not happen over quota," he added.

Citi Launches Citibank Indonesia "Ready Credit"

Citi Indonesia on Wednesday (4/18/2012) launched the Citibank Ready Credit, a product which is claimed as a possible solution to address the funding needs quickly and wisely. Mentioned, this product has the facilities, the funds ready to use, anytime, anywhere at no cost, and have flexibility in payments and withdrawals

"We see a growing need for public funding, especially in terms of home renovation, education, and hobbies without having to disrupt cash flow and financial planning targets," said Consumer Business Manager Citi Indonesia Joel Kornreich.

Citibank Ready Credit is a revolving loan / overdraft without collateral in the form of cards that provide the funds ready to use, anytime, anywhere at no cost. Customers who already have a Citibank Ready Credit cards can make cash withdrawals at Citibank ATMs and ATMs throughout the BCA. If you are abroad, customers can make cash withdrawals at ATMs bearing the PLUS. With this card, the funds may be transferred to any bank via Citibank ATMs, Citibank Online Banking and Citiphone 24 hours.

Citibank Ready Credit users exempt from any costs, such as the annual fee for life, administration fees, cash advance fees, the cost of transfer to any bank. Users also do not charge a penalty when it wanted to make installment payment prior to maturity.

"With the privilege offered by Citibank Ready Credit Citi, the user is expected to be more wise in managing its finances. The selection method of payment, no administration fees charged, and the ease of withdrawal, may be a smart solution for people who want to met the needs of modern lifestyles wisely without sacrificing the planned allocation of funds for investment or retirement savings, "said Asset Product Head, Citi Indonesia Jacqueline Hartono.

Prudential Pay Claims Rp 3.9 Trillion

PT Prudential Life Assurance total claims paid Rp 3.9 trillion as of end December 2011. This number increased 18 percent compared to the end of 2010.

This was conveyed by William Kuan, Prudential Indonesia President Director, in a press conference in Jakarta, Thursday (19/04/2012).

"We are gratified to continue to participate in Indonesia's economic growth and community," said William.

Overall, the number of Prudential policyholders in Indonesia reached 1.4 million policyholders by the end of 2011. "It increased 24 percent over the previous year," said William.

The number of agents of Prudential Indonesia as much as 143,000 people, an increase of 68 percent compared to the end of 2010.

Chief Finance Officer of Prudential Indonesia Ahmir ud Deen added that the matter of Prudential investment, it is still giving a positive result. Although, there are short-term volatility in the market.

"The status achieved by Indonesia worth the investment contributed to the positive condition," said Ahmir.

Syariah Mandiri Back Pawn Gold Offer

Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) has been offering more products pawning gold since April 9. Bank is in compliance with the provisions of Bank Indonesia (BI) in marketing the product, such as fixing a standard operating procedure (SOP) and the financing of a maximum ceiling of 20 percent of total financing.

BSM suspend gold pawning service in late 2011. Bank Mandiri is a subsidiary of kinship with BRI and BNI Islamic Sharia. However, two Islamic banks that had already been returned to his business since March 2012.

"Discharge tray remaining Rp 1.3 trillion due to suspension, and an additional Rp 1 trillion in mortgage financing target for gold this year," said Hanawijaya, Director of BSM, yesterday (18/04/2012). Target is not much different from the realization of the pledge of gold during the year 2011.

BSM management is optimistic that this year's gold pawn business remains bright, despite regulators tighten. Through a Circular Letter (SE) Number 14/7/DPBS, BI limit finance to value (FTV) a maximum of 80 percent of the estimated price of gold. In addition, the maximum period of 4 months and the lien can only be extended twice. Then, a portfolio of gold pledge a maximum of 20 per cent of total financing. "The rules makes BI a more narrow market segments and competition will be tight," he added.

To remain competitive, Bank Syariah Mandiri expand market penetration. One way, adding 27 gold pawn service outlets throughout the year. Last year, gold pawn outlets that serve the 314 units recorded.

Besides enjoying the results, banks also earn a commission (fee-based income) from the gold pawn business. Based on 2011 financial statements, BSM won fee-based income rose to Rp 1.08 trillion or 90.94 percent. Gold Pawn contribute Rp 230 billion or the biggest. The rest comes from fund product transactions pilgrimage, administrative savings, including e-channeling.

In anticipation of reduced contribution fee based income mortgage gold, BSM will boost fee-based than other segments. "For example, enlarging the disbursement transactions Partnership and Environment Development Program (PKBL) to the micro sector," said Hanawijaya.

BSM posted a net profit of Rp 551.07 billion by the end of 2011, grew 31.67 percent over the previous year amounting to Rp 418.52 billion.
Director of Bank Syariah Mandiri Yuslam Fauzi said the biggest contributor to this increase in net profit margin derived from the income of Rp 3.77 trillion, up 36.59 percent over the previous year which amounted to Rp 2.76 trillion.

Accelerate BI Clearing Settlement

Bank Indonesia launched the mechanism of settlement (settlement) to transfer the credit to the Bank Indonesia National Clearing System (SKNBI), of which previously only twice a day to four times a day. This is an effort to increase non-cash payment system services to the community through SKNBI.

As quoted in the website of Bank Indonesia, Thursday (04/19/2012), additional time is expected to bridge the needs of the community and participants will be the settlement bank faster.

For banks, the addition of the period of settlement provides benefits in order to manage daily liquidity is more optimal because the bank can utilize this mechanism clearing faster than ever.

As for society, with the addition of these services is expected to further accelerate the receipt of funds by the receiving bank for the transfer recipient must complete the transfer of funds received by the receiving customer's account immediately after the settlement by Bank Indonesia in accordance with predetermined rules.

Additional service, not accompanied by additional clearing fees charged to banks, so banks are not expected to add cost to society for such additional services.

"Clearly, this new clearing mechanism that was popularized by the term or close to real time is expected to further support the economic activities of society with the funds transfer process is faster and cheaper while maintaining existing service levels," according to Bank Indonesia.

Net Income Up 45 Percent BII

PT Bank International Indonesia (BII) Limited recorded a net profit of Rp 669 billion in 2011, up 45 percent over the previous year. Achievement is one of them is supported by solid growth in core businesses.

"BII has demonstrated improved performance and increased business growth in 2011," said President Director of BII Dato 'Khairussaleh bin Ramli, in a release received, Thursday (04/19/2012).

In addition to income, credit consolidation BII has grown 25 percent from Rp 53.6 trillion in December 2010 to Rp 67.2 trillion in December 2011. Significant loan growth has brought the total assets of Rp 94.9 BII level trillion, up 26 percent compared to 2010.

With such financial condition, the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) approved the establishment of the use of BII net profit for the year ended December 31, 2011 at $ 66.89 billion as a general reserve. This reserve to meet the provisions of article 70 of the Limited Liability Company Law and Article 25 of the Articles of Association. The remaining Rp 602.06 billion defined as retained earnings.

"The fundamentals are solid combined with the strong commitment of the Maybank Group will contribute positively to the BII as we can reach a larger market share. In it happen, we want to always be in the middle of the communities where we operate, providing products and services as part of our mission humanizing financial services, "added Dato 'Khairussaleh.

12 Million and 30 Million Corporate Tax payers Mover

At least 12 million companies and 30 million taxpayers (WP) is still a tax pengemplang. As a result, the country loses trillions of dollars.

Tax Director General Fuad Rahmany said the reason the tax pengemplang it is not unreasonable. Generally, they consider the tax they pay will corrupted by tax officers, as Gaius and Dhana. "The case is actually utilized by the pengemplang taxes, but if they do not pay taxes through the tax man, there will be no corrupted funds because the funds will go directly to the treasury account," said Fuad Rahmany in the seminar "Dynamics of National Taxation: Idealism and Reality, "held at the House Graha Sabha Pramana, UGM, Thursday (19/04/2012).

Fuad Rahmany admitted, the case of Gaius and Dhana, the image of the Directorate General of Taxation (DGT) slump. "To the extent that the DGT's office called Gaius office," he said. In fact, continued Fuad, Gaius and Dhana only person who flirted with business taxpayers.

There are 32 000 tax officers who still have ideals and promote honesty. Fuad also deplored the legal process runs only apply to the tax man. "If you want to eradicate the mafia tax, bribe giver and the receiver must be processed all," he said.

BII and Danamon Share Bonus

Shareholders of Bank Danamon and Bank International Indonesia (BII) approved the bonus for their directors and commissioners. Value is higher than the previous year, despite the bank's business is growing mediocrity.

Danamon directors pocketed the profits share of about Rp 44 billion. While commissioners earn Rp 12 billion. This figure is higher than the bonuses distributed in 2010, at $ 36 billion for the directors and Rp 12 billion to the Commissioner.

Danamon Finance Director, Vera Eva Liem said, the division adjusted profits share the burden borne by each of the directors. "Tantiem up, because last year we appointed two new directors who resigned as a director," he said. Currently the number of Directors amounted to 9 people Danamon. End of December 2011, Danamon a profit of Rp 3.34 trillion, or grew 16 percent.

BII also enjoy the bonus management. Of net income in 2011, the directors get bonus Rp 14.62 billion. "All the directors work well and its distribution will be based on performance," said President Director of BII, Khairussaleh bin Dato Ramli. As of December 2011, BII recorded a profit of Rp 669 billion, growing 45 percent.

Sharing bonus is actually considered a bit odd, because the role of bankers in Indonesia is not very formidable. BI survey indicates, the share of total bank credit financing is minimal. 25 percent share of working capital and investment is only 21 percent. To finance the expansion, more entrepreneurs use their own funds. Portion is 61 percent of total capital. Business actors away from bank financing for several reasons. The top reasons: bank lending rates are still very high.

BI officials, Santoso Santoso said, if the rules of Basel III is applied, a bank that wanted to divide the dividend or bonus must meet capital requirements countercyclical capital buffer of 2.5 percent and the CAR above 13 percent. "If it does not comply, banks are prohibited for dividends, stock buybacks and bonuses of employees," he said recently. The new Basel III rules themselves apply to the full in the year 2019.

Depending on the number of employees OJK Organizational Structure

Head of Capital Market Supervisory Agency and Financial Institution is also a candidate member of the Financial Services Authority Board of Commissioners, Nurhaida, not sure how many employees who will eventually fill the Financial Services Authority. According to him, the number of employees depending on the organizational structure of the OJK. "It's depending on how the organizational structure. So while the organizational structure is not yet final. So we can not this (give figures how many employees)," it said after attending a seminar related Nurhaida OJK, in Jakarta, Wednesday (04/18/2012).

Nurhaida say certainty the number of employees who will fill the OJK will depend on the organizational form of OJK. If a simple organizational structure was decided that the number of employees required is not much. "If the organization suddenly ramping course requirements approved HR (human resources) a bit. If the organization is even more the need for bigger," he added.

Therefore, he declined to detail how many employees will be employed OJK. "So it may not be used to deh (put the number of employees) than the numbers I call it an organization that was approved after discussion with the Bank Indonesia apparently simple organization simple yes definitely needs just a little," added Nurhaida.

Previously reported, the establishment of OJK Preparation Team began to develop new recruitment of OJK outside an employee of Bank Indonesia (BI) and Bapepam-​​LK.

The establishment of OJK Preparation Team Leader, Mulya P Nasution, said recruitment will begin in October or November. "Surely it would be seen what the whole job could be filled. Since 2013 later to be filled not only capital and multi-market, but also other services such as IT and law," said Mulya, in Jakarta, Tuesday (17/04/2012).

BNI Rp 1.16 trillion for Dividends

Annual General Meeting or AGM of Shareholders of PT Bank BNI Tbk (BBNI) approved the use of 20 percent of total company net income in 2011 amounting to Rp 5.81 trillion to be distributed as cash dividends.

"That is, the total dividend of Rp 1.16 trillion. As such, every one share is entitled to receive dividends worth Rp 62.48 trillion," said Director of BNI Gatot M Suwondo, Wednesday (04/18/2012).

Dividends will be distributed on May 30 and are eligible are those that are registered as shareholders until May 15, 2012.

In addition to deciding the use of dividends, BNI AGM also agreed 10 percent of the profits or
Rp 582.59 billion in reserves to support investment. By 10 percent or Rp 582.59 billion for the general reserve and compulsory. By 1 percent or Rp 58.26 billion to fund the Partnership Program.

Then 3 percent or Rp 174.78 billion to fund environmental development program. And the rest, amounting to 56 percent or Rp 3.26 trillion, defined as retained earnings.

Not to Approve Acquisition of Bank Danamon

Director of Bank Indonesia Supervision II Kussulanjari Endang Tri Subari, say, Bank Indonesia have agreed to DBS Group plans to take over the shares owned by Asia Financial (Indonesia) in PT Bank Danamon Tbk (BDMN). Because the plan did not go into the bank's business plan.

"We are steering this is the information of the business plan it. In two bank business plan that does not exist. We're asking any corporate action or not it does not exist," said Endang, after attending financial seminars related to the Financial Services Authority (OJK), in Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta, Wednesday (18/04/2012).

He said that so far has not approved a plan BI Singapore-based bank is. BI decision was based because the plan's takeover by DBS Asia Financial Group are not included in the DBS good business plan and Danamon. Though not go into a business plan, Endang said, BI has not been thought to give sanction. "No (no penalty). We're always researching the business plan is there a strategic plan," he stated.

Endang also said the two banks still have a chance to review the business plan. "Yes they should enter. If there are strategic as they should enter," he said. "We have not been to the sanctions, yes," said Endang.

Prepared OJK Code of Conduct

Establishment Preparation Team Leader Financial Services Authority (OJK) Mulya P. Nasution said the Board of Commissioners after the establishment of OJK, OJK soon established a code of conduct.

"Yes the code of ethics is one of the focus later. After DK OJK elected, one of the DK will be the Chairman of the Ethics Committee," said Mulya, Tuesday (04/17/2012).

About what the concept of a code of conduct, Mulya can not tell you much. According to him, obviously, the preparation of a code of conduct OJK not depart from zero at all. "We did not start up from scratch, but it can synchronize with existing code of ethics in the Ministry of Finance and Bank Indonesia. We'll see if there is a need to be tightened or expanded," he said.

Establishment of a code of conduct has become the mandate of the Act OJK. In article 32 paragraph 1 stated the Board of Commissioners establish and enforce a code of conduct OJK. Meanwhile, article 32 paragraph 2 further mention provisions on codes of conduct as prescribed in paragraph (1) is regulated by the Board Komisoner.

Funds Grow 18 Percent More Danamon

PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk raise third party funds amounting to Rp 89 trillion to the end of March 2012.

The number of third party funds (DPK) was up 8 percent compared with the final quarter of 2011, which amounted to Rp 82 trillion.

Director Vera Eve Liem Danamon in a press release on Tuesday (4/17/2012), suggests, the increase in deposits was supported growth of low-cost funds in the form of demand deposits and savings of 18 percent to Rp 36 trillion.

"Demand deposits grew 33 percent to Rp 13 trillion, while savings grew 11 percent to Rp 23 trillion," said Vera.

However, the total cost of funds is still less expensive than the funds in the form of deposits. Per the first quarter of 2012, deposits grew 3 percent to Rp 53 trillion.

Thus, deposit growth is much smaller than the current accounts and savings deposits still dominates the source of Danamon with 59.55 percent share of total deposits. The low-cost funds reached 40.44 percent of total deposits Danamon.

Deposit of funds is said to be expensive because it provides a greater rate than demand deposits and savings as a low-cost funds. However, it limited the amount of interest rate guarantee issued by the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS).

Currently, the interest rate guarantee for rupiah deposits at commercial banks at 5.5 percent. Deposit interest rate is greater than the interest rate guarantee is not guaranteed by LPS.

Anticipation Inflation, Monetary Operations BI Polar

Bank Indonesia (BI) will give priority to monetary operations in the face of inflation expectations began to rise. However, the BI will continue to prepare the further steps, such as reviewing the statutory minimum amount.

"We really see any indication that inflation expectations are starting to increase. You can see whether the indicators of retail sales survey from the merchant, and consumer expectations survey also implied inflation expectation of financial market participants is no indication that rising inflation expectations," said Chief of Department Economic Research and Monetary Policy Bank Indonesia, Perry Warjiyo, in discussion with reporters at the Office of Bank Indonesia, Tuesday (17/04/2012).

In anticipation of rising inflation expectations, the central bank did reinforcement in monetary operations. Perry said the operation aimed at controlling liquidity have been conducted from last month.

With the strengthening of monetary operations, the central bank tries to keep interest rates of monetary operations and the market moves up a little money, especially for the tenor-tenor of more than one day.

In early March, he said, interest rates for monetary operations tenor deposit facility for one night (overnight) of about 3.75 percent, and for the tenor to 9 months was about 3.8 percent.

"By strengthening monetary operations that we did last month until now why then our monetary operation rates for the deposit facility to which one day we still maintain 3.75 percent, and for the 9-month tenor was about 4 percent," he explained.

Even though there is little to interest rate increases 9-month tenor, Perry said, the percentage of 4 percent is still low. That way, there is no reason for banks to raise deposit rates or lending rates.

In addition to strengthening monetary operations, he said, the central bank will continue to prepare the further steps. These steps will depend on government policy, for example related to fuel oil (BBM) and its impact on inflation.

"The move to another control liquidity directly in addition to strengthening monetary operations continue to perform the steps of course we are prepared directly controlling liquidity through a review of the minimum reserve requirement. It is being prepared. Implemented as to what and how we look at how government policy decisions related to fuel What kind of impact on inflation, "said Perry

Three Airlines Official Airline Being Haji Service

Three Airlines Official Airline Being Haji Service
Three airlines authorized to host this year's Hajj transportation. They are Garuda Indonesia, Batavia Air and Saudi Arabian Airlines. "Only a third airline," said Minister of Religious Affairs Suryadharma Ali on Wednesday (18/04/2012).

Suryadharma explains, the decision of the organizer of the three airlines that transport pilgrims set out from since 3 April, after the government gave the airline a chance to bid.

Regarding the participation of Saudi Arabia Airlines airline, said it is mandatory Suryadharma. "Saudi Arabian Airlines shall be included, because we embrace the principle of reprosikal. If we send citizens to the country of destination, the airline from the country of destination is given the opportunity to participate," he explained.

For information, the amount of the costs of conducting the Hajj (BPIH) in 2011 and was recorded at Rp 30,771,900. This decreased the amount of Rp 308 700 from the previous year to Rp 31.08 million per congregation.

BPIH component of pilgrims paid includes the cost of embarkation Hajj flights to Saudi Arabia, the cost of public services (general service fee) for the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the cost of lodging in Mecca and Medina, and Living allowance for pilgrims in Saudi Arabia.

Dahlan Iskan Publish Three New Decree

"It (the issuance of Decree) is not due to an interpellation plan, but only as a guideline only," Dahlan said, after speaking at a discussion on "The Increasing Value Added, Support for SOE performance Towards World Class Company" at the House of Antam, Jakarta, Wednesday (18 / 4/2012).

Dahlan explained that all three ministerial decree (Decree) is no different to Decree No 236/2011 of the Delegation of Some Powers of the Deputy Minister of SOEs to the Ministry of Enterprise, directors, and commissioners. "The decree issued three ministerial decrees as well as at 13 April 2012 and prepared before the Parliament on the proposed interpellation 236/MBU/2011 issued Decree No state-owned enterprises," said Dahlan.

He explained that the three new decisions about how to itemize only authorizing the minister to the ranks at the bottom.

Decree No. 164 contains guidelines setting authority of the Minister to the Board. The next Ministerial Decree No. 165 on Guidelines for Determination of the Authority Secretary to the Board of Trustees and Directors, while Decree No. 166 set the setting authority of the Minister to state officials Echelon I.

Former Managing Director of PT PLN admitted surprise that some members of Parliament considered that the Ministerial Decree No. 236 dangerous by reason of directors may sell state-owned assets without the consent of the Minister and Parliament. "I ask, why before the Decree was issued many state-owned assets are lost, and why no one even after the assets are missing," he said.

However, Dahlan ensure that the rules issued by the Ministry of SOEs is to prevent the sale of state assets due to be set and the transfer of assets is not done haphazardly.

Earlier, Vice Chairman of House Commission VI Aria Bima says ready to roll out the right of interpellation to the Minister of SOEs Dahlan Iskan to question the Decree No. 236/2011. Minister's decision is considered to be substantially or legal-formal violation and contrary to state laws and regulations.

Rice Imports Special Do Not Disturb Local Rice

Special permit rice imports by the government to a number of importers should be used in accordance with the provisions. Do not let the import of rice, special rice premium or a certain type of rice that are not produced domestically-made ​​rice farmers at the local level dropped.

Director General of Foreign Trade Ministry of Commerce Deddy Saleh on Wednesday (4/18/2012), in Jakarta, said that, technically specialized rice importation provisions stipulated by the Ministry of Agriculture.

"That set the specific types of rice that can be imported is the Ministry of Agriculture. If the rule would be reorganized, it means we must learn first," he said.

He said the most important thing is not to interfere with the price of rice is rice farmers. Rice is also expected to help to price stability.

Bulog market operations have not been fully able to lower the price of rice. Medium quality rice is thrown Bulog was not responded to the market. "That is, they need a premium quality rice," he explained.

Bea Should Quit Mine Progressive

Export tax or duty out which plan will be applied for mining commodities should use a progressive system. The system is more dynamic and just because it follows the selling price in the market. Progressive system has also been tested in coconut oil and cocoa.

Director General of Foreign Trade Ministry of Commerce Deddy Saleh was speaking in Jakarta, Wednesday (18/04/2012).

"The implementation of the urgent duty out to do. Consideration, to prevent over-exploitation of the export ban imposed before mine raw. Another consideration is to encourage hilirisasi mining industry," he said.

According to him, a progressive tax system is more appropriate for mining commodities. The system has also been used for oil palm and cocoa. Both commodities were subject to tax on a maximum of 25 percent. Customs set out progressively each month following the benchmark export price changes. In my opinion, the system progressively more fit, "said Deddy.

Deddy confirmed, until now there has been no decision related to the amount of duty out. His department had not received the amount of tax on the proposal of the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). Previously, the government has a duty discourse out a maximum of 50 percent, which will be phased in gradually.

Minister of Industry MS Hidayat has said, out of the high duties should be applied to mining. The goal is to anticipate the possibility of rogue employers exploit the mine on a large scale before the ban enforced.

Based on data from the Supreme Audit Board, the balance due the state of the mining sector amounting to some Rp 1.1 trillion. It is revealed in financial statements by the Ministry of Energy December 31, 2011. Receivables came from fixed fees, royalties, proceeds from the sale of coal, and fines.

Indonesia Creative Youth Challenged to UK

Indonesia young children who have been able to develop creative businesses get the opportunity to perform on the international stage in the UK. This opportunity is open to those aged 21-40 years, who in the last three years or has undergone a creative effort in the field of fashion and design or film and interactive.

Opportunities for creative entrepreneurs through the wide open arena Indonesia International Young Creative Entrepreneur (ICYE) Award 2012. Winners will be invited to visit for seven days to the UK to enjoy a variety of international festivals in London, learn from the world's creative leaders, and establish cooperation with the UK creative businesses.

Indonesia young people who have never enjoyed a victory in this event is Aria Rajassa ICYE through Change Clothes, Affie Assegaf with, Joshua Simanjuntak designer, architect Ridwan Kamil, animator Wahyu Aditya, to the fashion designer Oscar Lawalata.

Registration is open to 30 April 2012. More information about ICYE program that supported the British Council Indonesia can be seen at the British Council Indonesia page or Twitter @ BCIndonesia.

KRKP: Stop the Use of Pesticides

Increased production of rice by the government to reach 10 million tons of food reserves in 2014. To reach this target the government of using short-term strategy with the use of high external input.

According to Said Abdullah, advocacy and networking officer, the People's Coalition for Food Sovereignty (KRKP), Wednesday (04/18/2012), in Bogor, the use of hybrid seeds, chemical fertilizers and application of pesticides to control pests and diseases do. In addition, educators and revitalization of irrigation.

This option is considered not to be able to guarantee an increase in production in the long run. Achieved self-sufficiency in 2009, just a moment. Import re-done a year later as an indication of inadequacy.

Production rates are not as targeted, only about 3 percent per year. The Government made climate change a major cause of failure. For this reason the government also announced changes to become a target of 10 million tons in 2014.

Said blames climate change is certainly not wise. Climate change is a natural phenomenon that occurred throughout the earth. Inevitably, climate change must be faced with the smart and the right strategy.

"The policy of increasing production with the use of external inputs are high, especially hybrid seeds and pesticides are mostly imported from abroad, is unfortunate," he said.

This method will only give birth to dependence, far from sustainability. Agricultural development should be more oriented towards long-term use of local resources by promoting environmentally friendly. "In this way the food sovereignty will be realized without depending on other countries and foreign corporations" said Said.

P2BN policy will not only increase production but also generate a negative impact on the environment. Rice farming ecosystems become unbalanced. Increasingly weakened capacity of the environment. This is indicated by explosion (outbreak) planthopper and stemborer pests in the year 2010-2011.

Selasa, 17 April 2012

Inhaling the fragrance Profit Business Aromatherapy

Who says aromatherapy market is already saturated. Although this business there since more than a decade ago, but proved the perpetrators still stands to this day. In fact, the perpetrators continue its efforts mushroomed. Never shrinking market, on the contrary continues to widen because of lifestyle changes.

Haryanti Kristanto, owner of Beautiful shops, admitting aromatherapy business is never lost 'his wangi'. From year to year, demand continues to grow. "Especially outside Java where demand is high enough," said Natural brand is an aromatherapy manufacturer, Friday (12/02/2011).

Since 1998 his business was, Haryanti admitted, turnover is never lost. "Unfortunately, my concentration is divided by the orchid nursery business, so do not focus anymore. Though still a lot of my customers that message, "he said, who opened Beauty Store BG Junction.

Moreover, each time the exhibition, ordered items always go up. Furthest marketing for homemade aromatherapy products to Japan, Korea, and Malaysia. For marketing in the country including Bali, Yogyakarta, Makassar, Salatiga, to Ambon. "They are more interest to your massage oil and essential oil fragrance," said a woman born in Surabaya this January 24, 1956.

Suryadinata wife was revealed, is actually a direct export to several countries had experienced many years when he was active Inacraft exhibition in Jakarta. Only, when he had to pass a rope relay orchid nursery business owned by a parent, the concentration in aromatherapy to be reduced. "Both my children went there because of the firstborn who manages the restaurant business at the Graha Family and the youngest works in Singapore," he explained.

Expertise to make aromatherapy gained through formal courses. "Basically I just love aromatherapy, every trip to Bali I am always tempted to buy Bali homemade aromatherapy products until I tried to find a course and make your own, then sold itself," the story of Haryanti.

The first product that he has made fragrance oil which is used to the effects of aromatherapy room. This product he sold for Rp 4,000 for a small bottle. Then, body massage oil (oil massage) are used to relax the body, which sold Rp 9000-20000. "The beginning of my own and I am actively working on the exhibition go to market. But when the orders started a lot, then I started hiring people, "he said.

When the business of aromatherapy has been running for two years, began to increase product variety Haryanti product. Such as aromatherapy soap (Rp 12,500), soap betel (Rp 7,500), spices, bath (Rp 12500-20000), foot bath salt (Rp 25,000), herbal ingredients (Rp 15000-25000), aroma candles (Rp 7,500 contents 4), aromatherapy incense (Rp 20,000), breast mask fasteners (Rp 25,000) to olive oil (Rp 25,000).

"The price of all products vary from Rp 5,000 to the size of a small sachet and the most expensive Rp 25,000. But if for aromatherapy packets can be up to Rp 80,000 contain a variety of fragrances, "he explained.

Similarly aromatherapy fuel container of ceramic materials prices also vary, there is Rp 10,000, Rp 12,500, Rp 16,000, Rp 20,000 to Rp 25,000. "Now I assisted four employees for production at home in Jalan Kanginan, four others for the watch shop in BG Junction. For the current turnover of around Rp 10 million per month. Actually this is good business, demand continues to flow, I personally just overwhelmed because there is no help, "added Haryanti.

Profit Partnership delicious tasting Martabak

Martabak flavor is sweet and savory makes this snack is much sought after by many people. Not surprisingly, John Dean dared to offer a partnership outlets martabak Faridah de Paris.

John himself has been selling martabak since 1996. Previously, he has offered a similar partnership, the martabak Spectacular. Indeed, martabak Faridah de Paris is the latest development of John. He wants to target different markets. "Prices of consumer martabak selling cheaper, as well as the value of the investment package is also cheaper than martabak Spectacular," he said.

It offers a partnership martabak Faridah de Paris, with an investment of Rp 50 million, not including rent. With this investment, the partners will get the equipment for the production process, including the booth, brand Faridah de Paris, and training to make sweet and martabak martabak eggs.

However, if the partner was out of town, shipping costs must be borne by its own booth. "For now, we only accept franchisee from West Java, including Jakarta," said John.

In addition to the cost of shipping the booth, John extra charge for a survey and training of employees outside Bandung. For the cost of surveys outside London, is charged Rp 1 million.

The cost of training outside of London, John set a Rp 2 million. If the prospective partners want to have skilled workers, they can hire from the center at a cost of Rp 2.5 million for two weeks.

For the location of the business, John says, outlets do not have to be in the kiosk. Partners can hold a tent in the parking lot, the front parlor, pharmacy or other public facilities "So that could save the cost of rent," he said.

Faridah de Paris investment package is valid for ever. However, potential partners in the partnership must pay the renewal fee of Rp 2 million per year. Renewal fees paid by the partnership began in the second year. In addition, John also cites royalty fee of Rp 500,000 per month.

Low prices to excess Faridah de Paris. John membanderol selling price martabak Faridah de Paris began to Rp 20,000 per pan. These prices, says John, is cheaper than the sale price martabak street vendors. As a result, all buyers at any level would be able and happy to buy at Faridah de Paris.

In one day, John estimates, martabak Faridah de Paris was able to sell about 70 to 75 trays. With this much sales, partnerships martabak Faridah de Paris is able to reap a turnover of Rp 42 million to Rp 45 million per month.

With a turnover of that, according to calculations John, prospective partners can break even within four months. "Earnings of 75 trays per day is a very realistic assumption based on sales rather than earnings fantastic experience," said John.

Analysts franchise, Erwin Halim said, what was done by John is a market strategy. With the release of new products, John wanted to target different circles. The price is relatively skewed, martabak Farida de Paris would not be a competitor martabak Spectacular. "Like the Aqua and it's a factory Vit. In marketing okay and not competitors. Because different market segments and can reach all people," said Erwin.

Although not a competitor products before, according to Erwin, there should be standards set, such as the selection of the location where martabak Farida de Paris is not adjacent to martabak Spectacular.

Mini cinema, profits Maksi

You who like to watch the latest movies in theaters famous, could be never miss your favorite movies. It happened because you were busy working or too far away to be visited cinema.

Well, for those who do not have time to watch your favorite movies in theaters, now there is a way out. No need to buy pirated DVDs because it's a lot that provides a mini-spectacle cinema film in accordance with the orders of fans.

As its name suggests, mini theater has limited seating. See, the capacity to sit there for 20 people at most and at least two people. At first glance, the concept of mini cinema like a karaoke room, where consumers can choose the place according to need.

Of the many advantages mini movies. In addition to the message movie, "fans need not worry if the film late to watch their favorite movies," said Hafiz idea, Manager of Movie Box, a mini cinema provider in Yogyakarta.

Similar to a regular cinema, Movie Box is also equipped with a capable sound system. Spectators are often present in the Movie Box was a group of teens and adults.

Hafiz says, the business established since 2004, providing studio capacity of two people, four people to 20 people. In addition to the studio with such wide-screen cinema, Movie Box also provides studios with a plasma TV.

Problem fare watch, Hafiz peg from Rp 60,000 to Rp 180.000 for a single film. "The turnover we are able to Rp 80 million per month," said Hafiz who runs two outlets Movie Box in Yogyakarta.

In addition to any Home Cinema Movie Box The Mini Theater in Sidoarjo, East Java. A mini movie theater in operation since August 2008 and it already has a 3000 movie collection to visitors.

David Dwik, operations manager of Home Cinema (RC) says, they only provide a film according to the age of the audience. "If we give the audience a student film selection of adolescents according to age," said David.

In addition to the entertainment arena, the business is used as a means of education for school students. "Many teachers ask students to watch educational films to us," added David.

To watch a movie in RC, David wore a ticket fare of Rp 15,000 per person. Fare ticket to watch it remains the same including the rates on the weekend.

So that visitors increasingly crowded, David gave a special price for the spectators who came entourage, especially the group with the number of people over 20. "Tariff-yack only Rp 250,000 for a single film," says David.

In one day, David is able to attract 200 spectators with an average daily turnover of Rp 3 million or turnover of Rp 90 million per month. "The cost of business operations is relatively small, only 20 percent of turnover," explained David.

For those of you who are interested in this business, the required capital of about Rp 100 million - Rp 200 million. Money to buy studio equipment such as screens, projectors, players, seats, interior decoration, as well as a collection of films.

But before jumping into this business, should you need to deepen the knowledge of the latest movie either local or foreign movies.

Chicken Grill and tasted delicious steaks from Magelang

For most of Indonesia, processed foods, chicken has become a familiar menu options on the tongue. Just look, almost on every street corner there are stalls selling chicken menu.

Despite hawking dining menu berjibun chicken, chicken fans continue to grow anyway. In fact, businesses increasingly mushrooming food made from chicken, chicken franchises including different offers. One franchise offers come from Nareswari Group, owner of Chicken Grill & Steak Madukoro. Since 2008, the company is based in Magelang, Central Java, it began offering franchises grilled chicken and steak.

Now, there were five partners who join, the partners of Magelang, Yogyakarta, Semarang, and Banjarmasin. Sidhi Probho Asmoro, Nareswari Group owner says, offer an expansion of the franchise's trademark owned before, the grilled chicken Larasati Steak & Java. What distinguishes, if Ayam Bakar Larasati Steak & Java uses the concept of mini-restaurant, Madukoro simpler because the concept of tent stalls and street vendors.

For those of you who are interested in being partners, Nareswari Group cites cost of USD 70 million investment by charging a royalty fee of 2 percent. The cost includes the franchise fee of Rp 40 million for the same five-year tenure, and the remaining Rp 30 million for initial procurement of raw materials and trade equipment.

Own menu choices are quite varied. Madukoro outlets have 12 chickens and 10 menu steak menu, complete with herbs and spices that enrich the flavor of food variation. "Food prices are relatively affordable, from Rp 8,000 to Rp 20,000 per share," he explained.

A year turnover

To its partners, promising Probho turnover of Rp 2 million per day. While in a month turnover reached USD 60 million. The net profit of around 10 per cent of turnover. With a net profit of it, "Mitra was able to turnover a year," said 33-year man.

Probho admit, business competition culinary chicken and steak are very strict. Nevertheless, he believes this business will not be dimmer. "We are aiming for all circles, the upper middle or bottom," he said.

Probho claimed not to have his special target for this franchise. But, she wished to Madukoro brand is widely known, not only in Manila and surrounding areas only. "The hope of this brand is known all over Indonesia and later became an icon of national food," he said.

Anang Sukandar, Chairman of the Indonesian Franchise Association (AFI) suggests, potential partners who will join the Madukoro, learn more potential and uniqueness Madukoro, compared with other players. "I think the chicken is very common culinary business, could be a unique added value," he said.

Catfish Farchan popularized in Borneo

First, catfish did not glance at Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan. Consumers assume that fish live in dirty environments. However, Farchan Slamet (38) together with fish farmers to change that stigma. Now, he even overwhelmed serve requests catfish.

Narrated Farchan, catfish rejected because consumers revolted. Lele thought to be maintained in a place that is not hygienic. Some communities in certain areas not even think of catfish fishing.

Farchan maintain catfish since 2002. However, the negative outlook it makes Farchan hard sell catfish. It offers to the seller catfish fishing, but was rejected. Farchan transferred to the target store managers tent, but they were reluctant to accept lele. "He said, catfish meat rubbery. Dirty again. Finally, my first love catfish to 10 stall tent. Pay later, "said Farchan.

Each stall tents were given 2 kilograms (kg) catfish. That was only five tent shop manager agrees. "If sold, the new paid. Not sold, do not pay. Catfish as worthless. To waste, "said Farhan. The father of Saturn Alifardani M (11) and M Fathoni Putrafardani (8) it back two days later. Apparently it thrusts tent shop manager requests additional catfish.

He did whatever he could to catfish consumed more widely. Because of this, he also embraced the fish farmers to grow catfish. For the sake of stimulating interest of farmers, Farchan staked its survival. He gave the assurance, catfish must be purchased. "But, if catfish is not for sale, I was broke. Thus, the market should continue to look for, "he recalls.

He also faced public antipathy toward making catfish with shredded and crackers. After eating, they are expected to eat catfish. Regular orders Farchan finally obtained in 2005 about 5 quintals per month with a subscription manager shop tent. Along with that, the fish farmers Farchan partners continue to grow to 300 people today.

Catfish production capacity of Farchan and his colleagues around 750 kg per week. Very positive response in the catfish indicated by the magnitude of customer demand. Catfish that can meet the new Farchan supplied 25 percent of total demand.

Total catfish is required up to 3 tons per week. Farchan channel catfish to 35 customers, ranging from tent shop, restaurant, hotel, until the fish cannery. In Central Kalimantan, Farchan supplying catfish to Palangkaraya and Lamandau District, East Kotawaringin, Joyless Kingdom, South Barito, and Gunung Mas.

Market in Jakarta, Jakarta, to Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, was encroached upon. Unfortunately, Farchan said, the road from Central Kalimantan, West Kalimantan have not been able to penetrate. He believes the market could be reached West Kalimantan. "The ratio of demand and stocks are now farther away. A year ago, consumers are asking for 100 kg per month, for example, were given only 50 kg. Now, can not be at all, "said Farchan.

Good prospects

A very good prospect of making more catfish farmer spirit. Price catfish farmers around Rp 11,000 per kg and in the market $ 20,000-Rp 25,000 per kg. "Higher than average prices in the Java Rp 8,000-Rp 10,000 and Rp 13,000 on farmers per kg in the market," said Farchan.

In fact, today there are buyers who appreciate the Palangkaraya catfish at the farm level amounting to Rp 20,000 per kg. Now many people who keep catfish in Palangkaraya. Farchan did not hesitate to give seeds as a stimulus. "Sometimes, I give 100 individuals for each farmer. I provide input to develop the business to be successful, "he said.

Risk is always there. Several times a payment was due. In fact, catfish have spread the seeds in the pool of buyers. "Most of the loss in 2007. Not be taken back because the seeds can die. But, after being released, the obligation was paid Rp 7.5 million, "he continued.

Fluctuations in the price of catfish is often detrimental to farmers. Farchan seeks to prevent that risk by setting a price of Rp 11,500 per kg on the farmers and sell Rp 14,000 per kg to the restaurant. Because want to keep the price, not infrequently Farchan losers.

He began trying to produce seed of catfish in 2008. Farchan also invites farmers could do the same. "In addition, after two years I have also added commodities, namely carp, and his request was a lot," said Farchan.

Expectations Isnaeni husband (38) which has not been achieved is to make Palangkaraya as an exporter of fish. There are still many derelict land that can be utilized. Large production will encourage establishment of industries.

Men born in Karachi, East Java, March 16, 1973, the daydream, the products are marketed not only shredded and crackers, but also canned fish to smoke. "Exports of smoked fish. Not export the smoke from forest fires, "he said with a laugh Farchan.