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Kamis, 17 Mei 2012

U.S. stocks Knocked Greece

Wall Street blush. At 16.00 hours, Monday (5/14/2012) New York time, Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 1.1 percent to 1338.35. This is the lowest level since Feb. 2. While the Dow Jones Industrial Average index fell 1percent to 12695.35. Approximately 6.6 billion shares changed hands in transactions throughout last night.

Financial and energy sectors posted the biggest decline among 10 other sectors are gathered in the S & P 500. Meanwhile, a number of stock movements also influence the U.S. market are: JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Bank of America Corp., which fell at least 2.6 percent. In addition, there are also stocks of Alcoa Inc. and Schlumberger Ltd. fell more than1.5 percent, and Symantec Corp. are down 1.4 percent.

U.S. stocks decline was influenced by a number of factors. Of which the Greek state is still not stable and are trying to create a new government. Not only that, the market is also increasingly worried that European leaders are considering to exclude Greece from the Blue Continent.

"Investors are very worried about this Saar. Overall, investors focused on the political condition of Europe. No one knows what will happen later and the markets hate uncertainty," said Madelynn Matlock, an analyst at Huntington Asset Advisors in Cincinnati.

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