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Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012

Rated Low, PARLIAMENT Requested The Tax Ratio Rose

The Government is constantly working to boost State revenues from tax and non-tax sector. Even so, the House of representatives (DPR) considers the ratio of tax revenue to gross domestic product (GDP) aka the tax ratio was still low. Hence, the next year the HOUSE asked the Government boost revenues of the sector taxation of natural resources so that the tax ratio can be increased up to 16 percent.
Request this HOUSE's views appear in the faction-faction in the House of the early introduction of budget income and Expenditure Framework (REVISED) 2013. All factions agree to a proposed Government assumption of macro. Several faction raise Government requested the tax ratio is judged still low.
A spokesman for the faction the National Awakening Party (PKB) reveals a Chalim Chusnunia, macroeconomic projections presented the Government is still moderate. From the side of the reception country, the Government is projecting up about 12 percent dominated by revenues from the sector taxation.
Even so, the Chusnunia rate, during this time, the tax ratio figures Indonesia is still not optimal. Hence, "PKB Faction pushed the Government to raise the tax ratio to around 14%-16% next year," he said in the plenary of PARLIAMENT RI, Thursday (24/5/2012).
His opinion, to increase the ratio of tax administrations should optimize the reception not the tax (PNBP) especially from natural resources (SDA), STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES and other dividend PNBP.
A spokesman for the faction Generra Aware, Inc. also agreed with the proposal that the Government is constantly working to do optimization of State income. "Optimisation of Policies should be aligned with the State income tax rateincrease," he said.
Golkar Faction spokesman Edison Retraubun added, during this national tax rate is still very low, in the range of 12 per cent of GDP. Well, to increase the share of the Government must fix the tax system and apply the tax billing systems improved. So there's not much tax disputes.
Optimism can be achieved
Responding to this demand increase in tax ratio, Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo admitted it during this tax ratio is indeed still in the range of national 12 percent. But, this figure does not take into account tax areas and natural resource tax (SDA). "If the local tax and taxes natural resources incorporated, a tax ratio can reach 16 percent," he said.
Agus claim, the tax authorities have been working hard to improve reception. This is visible from the growth in taxation revenue was up 20 percent per year. Just because the GDP also continue to increase the share of the tax to GDP ratio we still continue to persist in the range of 12 percent.
To achieve an increase in the ratio of tax to include two elements of the tax, according to Agus there needs to be a revision of the tax laws. In addition, the Government should also improve the system of calculation. The article, "on individual tax for example, there are still many regulations too favourable for taxpayers, but less profitable for the State," said Agus without detailing which rules that benefit taxpayers.
Head of Agency fiscal policy Ministry of finance Bambang Brodjonegoro added, if take into account tax areas and SDA, current tax ratio reached 15 percent. "If it was encouraged from the SDA, the ratio of taxes could rise again and laboured can 16 percent," he said.

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