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Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012

Foreign Investors Are Out, The Index Plummeted

Joint-stock price index (TRADE) continued to sag. At the end of trading Friday (25/5/2012), TRADE fell 2 percent to 3.902,508. Exchange rate rupiah kept depressed against the u.s. dollar. At the close of trading, the rupiah was at $ 9,380 per u.s. dollar.
Foreign investors still continued to draw its funds from the Indonesia stock exchange. 296 State in Europe be one problem trigger.
TRADE closed down 82,365 points 2,07 percent to 3.902,508. While the index plummeted LQ45 points or 16,227 2,41 percent to 657,876.
All sectors weakened. The foreign investors doubled the sales of Rp 922,57 billion neto. The Total transaction value of Rp 4,87 billion.
While the stock markets in Asia closed variety. The Nikkei index was still able to be strong and thin Hangseng. The Shanghai index weakened 17,42 0.74 percent to 2.333 55.1666667. Hang Seng index rising 47,01 points or 0.25 per cent to 18.713, 41. Nikkei 225 rose 17,01 points or 0.20 per cent to 8.580,39.

Positive Publishing Markets Greet Eurobond

The idea of issuing a "joint european bond" back sticking out. Market driven banking Europe was ready to welcome the positive that plan.
Prime Minister of Italy Carlo Monti notify majority of the EU leaders will support the issuance of the joint european bond to restore investor confidence with respect to the handling of the crisis in the European Union. The proposed publication of the joint euro bond was previously rejected by Germany.
According to economist Samuel securities, Lana Soelistianingsih, in Jakarta, Friday (25/5/2012), the market welcomed this plan despite some positive economic data down. Among other output in the manufacturing and services sectors in the EU, confidence in Germany, the business men's economic growth United Kingdom in the first quarter was negative 0.3 percent compared to the previous year.
Of the United States, there is a decrease in order of company for computers, machinery, equipment and other capital in April in the last two months. Manufacturing sector in the US is still expanding but with the lowest growth in last 3 months.
Data from China also is expected to increase in the EU'S concerns the effects of contraction. Manufacturing sector is estimated to be weakened in may for seven consecutive months.

The sluggish TRADE Opened 16 points

National Stock Exchange struck back pressure. Joint-stock price index opened weakened 16,88 points (0.43 percent) to as low as 3.967,99 on Friday (25/5/2012). LQ45 index opened down 4,24 points (0,62 percent) to as low as 669,86.
U.S. exchanges managed to recover from the pressure at which the index Dow Jones up 0.27 percent 33,60 points or, S & P 500 rises and 0.14 percent, the Nasdaq is still weakening 0.38 percent.
Recover its index boosted by news from many countries of the European Union which supports the eurobond. Consumer sector stocks rose but technology sector stocks still weakening.
European stock exchanges closed strengthened while some report still indicates a weakening of the economy. Index FTSE rises are 1.59 percent.
Asian Exchange this morning move vary. Nikkei down 0.03 percent, Kospi up 0.39 percent. Research Universe Indovest estimate Exchange Indonesia today may be moving in the green zone sustained interest in buying that began to recover, however the index is also still vulnerable due to correction of the European situation is unclear.
Stocks that can be observed today among other BSDE, Earth, LSIP, PTBA, and the SSIA.

Eurobond Issue Could Encourage The Rupiah Rate

Foreign exchange market sentiment improved on closing globally last night. One of them is related to the publishing plan joint european bond. This became the catalyst for positive movement of rupiah Friday (25/5/2012).

The exchange rate of the rupiah closed at Rp strengthened 9.268 per US dollar (exchange rate Central Bloomberg). This reinforcement, according to economist Samuel securities, Lana Soelistianingsih, identified as a-minding's results so that the rupiah is not bolted BI penetrate Rp 9400 per u.s. dollar.

Global market sentiment improved on closing night, responded to the possible publication of euro bond. Asian markets were likely to be positive today.

"We expect To INR was in the range between Usd 9,350 to Rp. 9.380 per US dollar without intervention of BI. But it could survive in the range of Usd 9.290 to Rp 9,320 per US dollar if BI is still on the market, "said Lana.

TRADE Is Still Flat, Tending To Weaken

Joint-stock price index in trading Thursday (24/5/2012) yesterday closed successfully strengthened the thin driven by the action of buying ahead of the closure. Friday (25/5/2012) the movement of the index is still limited and tend to weaken.
Rising commodity-based stocks as well as the action will wait the result of the European leaders meeting in Brussels dyeing trade yesterday. IHSG's own relative move more on the negative area.
"Although foreign firms need to look out for that are still recorded a net sell (net sales) in the market. Uncertainty conditions in Europe which threaten global growth triggers the discharge of allegedly foreign investors from the market, "Panin Securities analyst's view, Purwoko Sartono in Jakarta this morning.
Some of the most sought-after stocks yesterday AALI, TOWR, TOBACCO COMPANY, GGRM, and a PTBA. While most stock is removable, DSSA, LPGI UNTR, TLKM, and INRU.
This Friday predicted the index would move Purwoko sideways with the tendency of weakening. Range support-resistance today 3,940-4000. Stock selection is the PTBA, ADHI, PNBN, and SMGR.

Hope to TRADE Again to as low as 4,000

Joint-stock price index continues to experience the pressure of selling in the last two weeks, thus reducing the rate of penguatannya in the short term. On the last day of trading this week, Friday (25/5/2012), market participants waiting whether the index can go back to 4,000 level again.
In technical research analysis, based Securities, TRADE suffered eTrading pressure selling yesterday, but the ends closed plus. If today the TRADE can rise up to 4020, then it will be a candlestick pattern Bullish Breakaway, which is the formation of candle reversal with a fairly high degree of accuracy. For that very important support level of TRADE at 3,908.
As for the TRADE sector is the driving force of mining and agri, which yesterday strong enough withstand the TRADE until at the end of the closure.
Yesterday, the TRADE closed up 3.30 points (0.08 percent) to as low as,87 with the number of transactions 3.984 6.55 million renovations or equivalent Usd 3,73 trillion.
The agricultural sector rose 1.67 percent and mining drove 0.84 percent. Recorded 137 stocks strengthened, 110 stocks weakened, 116 stocks unchanged, and the 225 stocks not traded at all.
Foreign investors took note of net sales in the regular market valued at Rp 453,91 billion with most stock is sold, TLKM, ASII UNTR, JSMR and the BBCA.